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Improved Methods Of Pallet Loading
D RAWBACKS of fork-truck loading in conjunction with pallets are claimed to have been overcome in a Pallet-Jekta vehicle introduced by Walker and County Cars Ltd.. Pagefield......
Inadequacy—or Higher Fares
A NSWERING questions about the alleged inadequacy of the service on one of the city's trolleybus routes at last week's meeting of Hull City Council, the chairman of the......
Decide Policy, Says Glasgow Manager
A CALL for a declaration of policy regarding the future of municipal transport in Glasgow was ,made by Mr. E. R. L. Fitzpayrie, general manager, at a meeting of the transport......
Men In The News
Ma. D. W. M. DEAR has succeeded Ma. W. WILSON as a director of Ribble Motor Services, Ltd. MR. G. D. GRAY has been elected chairman of the Kent Area of the Traders' Road......
Corporation Seek Tour Business
A N allegation that Sheffield Corporation were seeking to break into the excursion and tour business of Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., was made before the Yorkshire Licensing......
• Licensing Authority Members
A .LIST of members of the Licensing Authorities for Public Service Vehicles has been–published by the Ministry of Transport. The members are as follows:—Northern Area, Mr. J. B.......
New Fares In Wallasey
N EW fare stages which are expected to bring in an extra £13,000 a year were introduced by Wallasey Transport Department on Monday. The lid. minimum is retained, and a Id. fare......