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Bolton Wants V2d. More: New Cuts?
A PPLICATION has been made to the North Western Licensing Authority by Bolton Transport Department for permission to abolish i all workmen's concessionary fares. In addition, 55......
Engineers' Bureau Submit . 7,600 For Posts
nVER 7,600 engineers were submitted last ' year for vacancies by the Professional Engineers' Appointments Bureau, 9 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, Engineers with production......
Strong Opposition To Dover Service 'when Mr. H. A, Harvey,
CottenVV ham, applied to the Eastern Licensing Authority last week for permission to run four excursions from Cambridge to Dover for people wishing to go to the Continent, seven......
Loan To National Highway Authority:
A LOAN of £50m. a year for 10 years for speeific road schemes is strongly advocated by the British Road Federation. Moreover, they suggest that a national highway authority......
Improved Magnetic Flaw Detector Costing £80 Complete, An...
of the Minchom Setnpun magnetic flaw detector has been produced by R.P.R. Patents, Ltd., Alexandra Park Station, London, N.10, The new design has a magnetic force of 350......