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U.s. Turbochargers For Britain
A NEW division has been formed by Rotol, Ltd., Cheltenham Road, Cheltenham, to develop, manufacture and sell turbochargers to the British oilengine industry. The turbochargers......
No New Concession Rill
LA A BLANK refusal to consider introclueing legislation to amend the law on concessionary travel was given in the House of Commons last week by Mr. Harold Watkinson, Minister of......
140m. For Scottish Roads Qcotland Will Receive £40m. Of The
£240m. which the Exchequer is to provide in the next four years for road works. Mr. J..S. Maelay, Secretary of State for Scotland, said last week that this sum would include......
New Road Opened The New 24-mile Section Of The
London-Brighton A23 trunk road came into operation last week. About .1 mile longer than the old route, it has two straight sections and only slight gradients and curves. The......
Mr. Quin Warns Big Bus Companies
B IG bus operators had an obligation to provide services needed by the public, and any representations made to them should be given serious consideration, said Mr. W. F. Quin,......