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1,700 Lorries In Covent Garden Market?
U NDER a proposed new scheme to redevelop Covent Garden Market, up to 1,700 lorries can be accommodated simultaneously in the market buildin g . It would provide for an......
Last Of The Trolleybuses The Last Eight Trolleybuses...
Darlin g ton Corporation have been taken off the road, to complete plans made 10 years a g o for the g radual replacement of the vehicles by motorbuses. The corporation operated......
1.23m. Carriers' Licences
RP-TO-DATE licensin g fi g ures issued ‘,..1 last week by the Minister of Transport showed that on June 30 this year there were 1,232,016 current carriers' licences. Of these,......
M.m.b. Rates Hold Up Development?
T INCERTA1NTY about the allow ances to be paid in future by the Milk Marketin g Board was handicappin g the lon g -term development of milk haula g e by hauliers and......
New Plax Ton Bus Bodies For Big Loads
T WO versions of a new Hi g hway sin g le-deck bus body have been introduced by Plaxtons (Scarborou g h). Ltd., Seamer Road, Scarborou g h. The lar g er is a 45-seater for an......
Railways Into Roads
R EPLYING to a su gg estion by Viscount Monsell, in the House of. Lords, that some railways should be turned into roads, Lord Mane roil said that the Government were always......