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Grundy For Rover
A long-life stainless steel exhaust part system has been introduced by Grundy for the Land-Rover. Consisting of the rear silencer box and tailpipe, sections most vulnerable to......
Build It Yourself
A range of vehicle test equipment is available from Heathkit in kit form. The Portable engine analyzer, at £38.90 as a kit, gives tests on volts, ohms, dwell, amps, points......
Battery Booster
The DAV battery charger and booster is capable of providing a 180amp current for starting I 2V vehicles. And for those with 24V batteries it gives up to 100amp starting current.......
Welford Muscle For Easy Loading
Capacities of hydraulic lorrymounted extension cranes distributed by Welford range between 3,251 kg (3 tons 4 cwt) and 13,970kg (13 tons 15 cwt). This is the largest range of......
Speed Controller
Suitable for fitting to commercial vehicles anti to cars, the Holdspeed speed controller is operated by a dash-mounted switch. When a suitable cruising speed is reached, the......