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Plea For Bigger Subsidy
AN APPROACH is to be Ce made to the Government in a l om bid for West Cumberland to be g ive n special treatment on CC bus subsidies. Allerdale District Council in Cumbria......
"us Supply Problems Ease For Nbc
NEW VEHICLE deliveries are improving to the National Bus Company's two hardest hit subsidiaries, according to a report in the company's Bus newspaper for August. Both Alder......
Safeguards For International Passengers
ROYAL ASSENT was last week granted to the Carria g e of Passengers by Road Act, a Private Member's measure introduced by Mr Edwin Wainwright, MP for Dearne Valley. Supported by......
No-change For Tyne Pte
A THREE-MONTH experiment into a no-change fares system is to be tried by the Tyne and Wear PTE. On certain routes passengers who cannot present the correct fare will be given a......
Supplementary Grants Soon
THE 1DEAL transport plar should be one in which thc emphasis g iven to each moth of transport reflected it ability to carry out particular task better that any other, declared M......
More Scots Fare Increases
BUS FARE increases were last week granted to the municipal undertakings of Edinburgh and Dundee. Mr Richard Bottrill, Edinburgh's general manager, told the Traffic Commissioners......