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Value For Money
T HE Motor Industry Research Association was treated to some complimentary—and highly deserved—remarks by the Minister of Transport, Mr. Ernest Marples, at its luncheon last......
The Broth (won
J UST after the conclusion of the 1914-18 war, tiA young men returned to their native Salford and starte to think about ways of employing their talents I civilian life. They......
Nutty Talk
.11 EXAGON is a pronoun that is almost invariably intro duced into the conversation of Mr. J. Mackie, general manager of Belfast Transport Department, when he is talking about......
Bird's Eye View By The Hawk
powers, through a Northern Ireland Bill, to transfer manage ment of Belfast's Bellevue, Hazlewood and Belfast Castle tc the city's Parks and Cemeteries Committee. Impressiom T......