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3.t.c. Tug-of-war Hard On B.r.s. In West Midlands
many objections, mainly by British Railways, to special A conversions to L public A licence by independents, seem likely to have unfortunate reperissions for British Road......
Existing Hauliers Would Suffer, Tribunal Told
O N the fourth and final day of the appeal by Merchandise Transport, Ltd., of Ferry Lane, Tottenham, a subsidiary of Harris Lebus, Ltd., against the Metropolitan Licensing......
Common Market Warning
T HE Common Market was the greatest problem to the British vehicle manufacturing industry, said Sir Bertram Waring, president of the Motor Industry Research Association at a......
Livestock Carriers Ti Produce Records
I -1 A FARMER who had been carr neighbours' cattle for hire or rev for 20 years, with a C-licensed veh was opposed by five livestock haulier Leeds when he sought to add, "......