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Joint Marketing Man For Brs And Spd
SALES and marketing director Df British Road Services, Richard Lovell, has been apjointed to the same position mith SPD Group. He retains his BRS responsibilities. SPD Group was......
Utd Fills Contracts Jobs
TWO new posts with United Transport Distribution have been filled by Paul Hawkings and Gordon Morris. Mr Hawkings, who was distribution and warehouse manager at Rowley Regis for......
Colin Raynor Leaves Lincs
COLIN RAYNOR, who retired as transport manager of Lincolnshire County Council in January, is joining the management consultancy firm of PSM as an associate. He has worked in......
Schaefer Is New Big Cat
GORDON SCHAEFER succeeds Lee Morgan as chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the Caterpillar Tractor company. He has been vicechairman since August last year.......
New Faces At Ferrymasters
INTERNATIONAL haulier Ferrymasters has made four new appointments as part of its divisional reorganisation programme. Alan Houghton becomes group financial director and joins......