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Containers Under Customs Seal
A S from January 1, 1955, covered containers may be accepted for transport to and about the Continent tinder Customs seal provided they comply with requirements approved by the......
Wore Vehicles For Skegness Service
A PPL1CATION was made by Barton Transport, Ltd., to the East 4idland Licensing Authority last week increase their winter service from ,ong Eaton to Skegness. It was desired )......
S.u.t. Luxury 41-seaters Fleet Of 41-seat Luxury Coaches...
built up by Sheffield led Tours, Ltd., to replace smaller :hes for day excursions and privatey work. The vehicles are being ed after prominent Elizabethans: akespeare " was......
Premature" Fare Rise Application Refused Application By...
Omnibus Co., Ltd., to tse fares has been rejected by the m Licensing Authority, who said " prcmature " and not in the pubcrest to grant at the present time. our view," he added,......
Installation At Jarrow To Be Enlarged
W ORK will begin soon on enlarging the Shell-Mex and B.P. installation at Jarrow-on-Tyne. A new loading and operating compound is to be built, and a vehicle gantry will be......
More Money For Tours?
B ECAUSE the population of Worksop was increasing and people had more money to spend on recreation, Sherwood Coaches, Eastgate, Worksop, applied to the East Midland Licensing......
No More Time
B ECAUSE of Darlington Transport Department's policy to replace trolleybuses by motorbuses, it has been decided not to apply for an extension of time in which to introduce......
B.o.c. Drivers' Pay Up 5s. A Week
F OLLOWING discussions with the Transport and General Workers' Union, the British Oxygen Co., Ltd., have agreed to increase the wages of drivers and mates by 5s. per week,......
Students As Conductors It Is Proposed By Halifax Transport 1
Committee to employ students on vacation as conductors during the summer. The committee recently met and agreed with private operators in the district on the use of the new......
Sunderland Depot Plans
T HE tram depot at Wheat Sheaf, Sunderland, is to be converted into a central transport workshop at a cost of £38,000. All major repairs to buses will be carried out at the......