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• Your "Wider repfers" story (CM, 18-25 June) says that EC Directive 85/3 "sets a maximum limit of 2.5m for all HGVs". This is wrong. It would be more accurate to call the limit......
• I write in connection with the articles in News Headlines (CM, 11-18 June) where the time limit set by the RTITB for HGV driver training has come in for criticism by RoSPA. I......
Heavier Trucks
• The article by Brian Weatherley (CM, 25 June) was very timely. It summarised very well how the UK was losing out to its European competitors on lorry weights. However, Brian......
Foden's Nightmare Doubts
In the issue of Commercial Motor Workshop published in April, you ran an article on noise. In the article you show two photographs of the Foden Quiet Heavy Vehicle of the 1970's......
Cold Comfort • The News Item In Commercial Motor 25
June which states that there will be no improvement in the coldflow performance of diesel fuel for the coming winter may prompt operators to look again at the alternative ways......