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Dereg Wasn't Easy In Blackpool
Tribunal offers Easyway advice Ni As a result of complaints from both sides in a dispute, the North Western Traffic Commissioner wrote to Blackpool Transport Services and......
Drivers Told 'you're Part Of A Team'
Greenlands Transport of Hereford • Because a licence held in the South Wales Traffic Area by Hereford based Greenlands Transport expires in September, LA John Mervyn Pugh......
Unfair Dismissal: Tribunal Told Of Van Door
Alistair Anderson vJ W Filshill of Paisley • Although holding that a driver sacked by W Filshill Ltd, of Paisley, had technically been "unfairly dismissed", a Glasgow Industrial......
Weekly Print Out And Two Year Licence
Richard Tighe (R Tighe Transport of Brierley Hill) EConvictions have led to the licence held by Brierley Hill haulier Richard Tighe, trading as R Tighe Transport, being renewed......