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Lonopoly Inquiries Suggested
NDER the Monopolies and Restrictive Practices (Inquiry and Control) , 1948, suggestions have been made the Board of Trade that restrictive ingements apply in the supply of ides......
I.c.a.m. Membership Grows
STORY of steady progress by the . Institute of British Carriage and tomobile Manufacturers was related Mr. Edwin Fox ‘ president, at the tflute's annual dinner in London on......
B.b.c. Upsets Midland Hauliers
RECENT B.B.C. programme, "By 6 Road," broadcast in the Midland me Service, has antagonized free :tiers in the Midlands. dr. G. F. Goodwin, West Midland N. secretary of the Road......
"c. And U." In Quebec?
MEASURE to regulate the weights 6 and dimensions of heavy vehicles . been given a second reading in the ebec Legislative Assembly. The Bill o has provisions to empower the......
Iuffield Tractor Dearer Rices Of The Nuffield Universal...
been raised as from Lrch 5. The four-wheeled model ng vaporizing oil now costs £547 10s., 1 with oil engine £727 10s. The ee-avheeled tractor with t.v.o. engine .ts £540, or......
Canadian Sales Rise
L AST year, Canadians bought 103,694 goods veh i c le s, valued at 207,634,000 dollars, compared with 83,450 vehicles (66,172,000 dollars) in 1949. A total of 655 buses was sold......
Opposition To State Buses Grows
MATIONALIZATION of Lowestoft's transport undertaking would mean the loss of £50,000 and the equivalent of a 6d. rate, said Canon B. P. W. Stather Hunt at a recent meeting of the......
Brick Rates: New Schedule Mew Brick-haulage Rates Have...
upon by the pressed-brick makers. Respective rates per 1,000 for 2i-in. and 3-in, bricks are based on radial miles as follows: Five miles, 17s. 6d., 18s. 6d.; 10 miles, 19s.......
In A Line Or Two Germ Lubricants. Ltd., Manchester, 3....
The Royal Agricultural Society of England is to hold its 1953 Show in Blackpool. Fremantle Harbour Trust has ordered Coventry Climax, fork-lift trucks to the value of £100,000.......