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Scots/notts Fast Haulage Link
• McCall and Greenshields Ltd., Kilmarnock, one of Ayrshire's independent road transport companies, has purchased the haulage concern of R. and M. Wright, Sandiacre, near......
Hauliers' Courses Commence
• As Commercial Motor reported last month (April 4) a new training group has been started in the North West, On Monday the first employees from road haulage companies commenced......
Lnterworking For Tipping Groups
• Closer collaboration between local cooperative groups or units of tipping vehicle operators is planned and the RHA is to maintain a register of the groups to help them keep in......
Overloading Tolerance
• The recommendations made last month by the Freight Transport Association—they include an increased margin of tolerance for overloaded heavy goods vehicles—are being considered......
Fta Re-elects G. Page
• Mr. Geoffrey Page was re-elected president of the FTA at its agm last week. Mr. Page, who has been with J. Lyons and Co. Ltd. since 1939, took charge of the transport......
Pallet Pool Sub-committee
• A special sub-committee has been set up by the Freight Transport Association to consider the A. D. Little report, commissioned by the Ministry of Transport, on the feasibility......
Rha Essay Competition
• Sir Reginald Wilson, chairman, National Freight Corporation, has agreed to chair the panel of judges for the essay competition sponsored by the RHA. Other members of the panel......