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Aged 24, I Have Been In The Motor Industry Since
completing a recognized apprenticeship and at present am employed as a design engineer in the commercial vehicle industry. Could you give ma some guidance on how to enter the......
Q With Several Of My Driver Colleagues
have been doing some practicing and have been tested on the lines of the proposed heavy goods vehicle drivers' licence scheme. Problems have arisen when it comes to reversing......
Q I See From The "know The Law" Series
(CM April 4 1969) that police officers do not have powers to inspect commercial vehicles under Section 183 of the Road Traffic Act 1960. I was prosecuted in February following......
N I Hope To Make A Short Visit To Germany
46ff ' and Holland in order to take a look at road transport in general and distribution and vehicle maintenance in particular. Are you aware of any transport associations in......
Can You Tell Me If It Would Be Legal To
tax a Land-Rover as a private vehicle if the folding back seats are fixed and it is used to pull a trailer in which goods are carried? A The simple answer is no. The Vehicles......
Q Have A Foden 50-ton Drawbar Vehicle Taxed As A Locomotive,
a Scammell 25ton tractive unit used with a drawbar trailer and an articulated semi-trailer also taxed as a locomotive. Will these vehicles have to be tasted and plated by the......
Q What Is The Maximum Amount By Which A Normal Load May...
A The maximum permissible width for a 1– • normal load is 9ft 6in. but the load must not project more than 1 ft on either side of the vehicle. To carry an indivisible load which......
As An Engineering Student Lam Particu Larly Interested In...
engines and have heard that it is possible to cool the cylinders with the exhaust gas. This sounds absurd. Can you enlighten me? A The exhaust gas of an air-cooled engine can be......