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Government Guarded On Transport
" To Facilitate Extension of Private Road Haulage Activities" paoposAis will be made to facilitate the extension of private road i haulage activities." This was the only......
R.h.e. Now Making A Profit
'TEE Road Haulage Executive. which I lost over Lim. last year, is now making a profit. Sir Reginald Wilson, comptroller of the British Transport Commission, who gave this......
No Decision On Pay Claim
N O decsion had been made known 'by Tuesday evening on the laim for higher pay for engineering, maintenance and repair grades employed by the Road Haulage Executive which had......
T.g.w.u. Branch Says "no" The Norwich Branch Of The Trans'
port and General Workers' Union passed a resolution this week attacking proposals for the denationalization of road haulage.......