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P.m.t. Phase Two Increase : 12 Journey Tickets For Dundee ?
H AVING been successful in obtaining permission to increase fares last January, Potteries Motor Traction Co.. Ltd.. again applied to the West Midland Licensing Authority last......
R.h.e. Fails To Co-operate
iF the Road Haulage and Railway lExecutives wished to encourage companies to stay open on Saturdays in receive goods, they must ensure that consignments were delivered on time,......
E. Africa's First Royal Tiger
C LAIMED to be the first underfloorengined vehicle to operate in East Africa, a Leyland Royal Tiger with Duple bodywork has recently been delivered to Kenya Bus Services, Ltd.,......
Alter Capital Expenditure Programme, Says B.r.f.
I N an open letter to the new Minister , of Transport, the British Road Federation states that the efficiency of road transport fell seriously short of its potential maximum......