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Lorry Thefts Soar: London The Country's Black Spot
TWO-THIRDS of the total number of lorry thefts occur in the London I area. Nearly all the thefts of vehicles or loads in the Metropolis occur near the docks and big markets.......
To Moscow In 34 Hours Running Time
FROM JOHN MOON MOSCOW, Monday. A FTER covering 1,713 road miles in a Thames-Duple . 20-seat coach in 44 hours 57 minutes, I arrived in this city at 7.44 p.m_ local time (4.44......
Wages Council Give Holiday Concession
O NLY one of the four demands by the workers' side for improved conditions was conceded immediately by the Road Haulage Wages Council last week. It was that a man who works on a......
" Normal-user " Appeal Heard
'T'HE Transport Tribunal on Tuesday their decision on an appeal which concerned breach of normal-user conditions. A. and E. Morris, Ltd., contested the West Midland Licensing......
Presidential Address
'THE presidential address entitled, " The A Engineer, Life and Diesel Engines," will be delivered by Mr. H. Desmond Carter to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers at I......