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Ayroll Protection Tends To Midlands
Armoured Car Co., Ltd., Slough, ho operate five vehicles in the politan area and specialize in the ion and delivery of payrolls, are rad their service to the Midlands. , H.......
Tor Show Traffic Plans
in previous years, a restricted nount of waitin g in certain streets allowed for visitors to the Motor at Earls Court, London, from IT 21-31. The Metropolitan Police .nnounced......
Yorks Institute Talks
T HE pro g ramme of the Yorkshire section of the Institute of Transport for 1959-60 will include " Some economic problems of transport," a talk by D. L. Munby, on December 8,......
Cheaper H.p. Plan
A PLAN for the hire purchase of vehicles introduced last week by Broadwalk Investments, Ltd., 11 Victoria Parade, London. N.10, does not include the normal 15-per-cent.......
.8,600 Earnings Not Exceptional
EARNINGS of £8,600 made by a 7 tonner over two years were not exceptional, Mr. W. E. S q uire, Bloxwich, the owner, told Mr. W. P. James, West Midland Licensin g Authority, at......
Balance Of Facilities Must Be Considered
A BALANCE of transport facilities had to be taken into consideration besides customers' wishes, remarked Mr. G. W. Duncan, Northern Deputy Licensin g Authority, when he refused......