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Ew Regulations On Eflex Reflectors E.gulations Have Been...
approval marks for use motor vehicle reflex reflectors which ply with the re q uirements of the .E. a g reement concluded at Geneva in ;. he eifeet of the new re g ulations. is......
Adrolic Landing Gears For Heavy Semi-trailers
A RANGE of semi-trailer landing g ears I - 1which are maintenance-free and are rated for static loads up to 50,000 lb. have been introduced by the Adrolic Engineerin g Co. Ltd........
More Went To The Show Total Attendance At The Commercial
i Motor Show. at Earls Court this year was 102,845, which was an increase of 7,725 on the 1962 figure. Although hi g h, this year's attendance did not constitute a record for......
Nysler Representatives To Join Rootes Board
RD ROOTES, chairman of the Rootes Gtoup, announced in Paris week that three representatives of the Isjer Corporation . will be joinin g the tes Motors Ltd. board during rber,.......
O Utput Of Goods Vehicles In Britain In Au G Ust This Year
totalled 30,076, compared with 22,633 in Au g ust last year Board of Trade figures reveal. Produc. tion of p.s.v. rose, too, from 917 to 1,301. In August this year 12,115 goods......