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M.h.a.t. And T.t.c. To Merge?
'THE councils of the Mansion House 1 Association on Transport and the Traders' Traffic Conference have unanimously recommended to their members that the two bodies shall merge.......
Beet And Car Transporters T He Merging Of The Sugar Beet
functional group with the agricultural group was approved last week by the national council of the Road Haulage Association, which also gave its formal approval to the formation......
Brake Tests For Artics
THE vehicles committees of the Road 1 Haulage Association ant' Traders Road Transport Association are co-operating with the Ministry of Transport and the Road Research......
R.h.a. Council Approves B.r.s. Membership
THE national council of the Road Haulage Association last week approved the I proposal that B.R.S. should be admitted to a special category of membership of the Association.......
Five-day Week For Co-op Drivers
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT D RIVERS employed by some 800 co-operative societies up and down the country are to be given a five-day working week, under an agreement......