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Pengco demounts for paint company's reorganization

10th January 1975
Page 20
Page 20, 10th January 1975 — Pengco demounts for paint company's reorganization
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THE FIRST phase of a reorganization of its transport operatiort has been completed by Bestobell Paints and Chemicals, a Mitcham subsidiary of Carson Hadfield.

The operation uses three 32-ton gvw Pengco multibodied air suspension demountable semi-trailers, 12 Bedford/ Pengco KEL 3.83 m (151 in) demountable chassis and 19 Pengco Module 18 3.8m ( I 2.75 ft) body units with Anthony Carrimore tail lifts.

The Dunlop convoluted air bellows fitted to the suspension of the Pengco trailers allow the trailer beam to be lowered to a level of 1 m (39 in) to interchange body units to the Bedford chassis.

The body units can be demounted or remounted straight from the fifth-wheel plate of any tractive unit, to cater for service and breakdown.

The normal Pengco method of mounting and demounting semi-trailers is to turn the tractive unit round and operate the semitrailer as an elongated drawbar. To do this there is an A-frame fitted to the nearside of the front bumper of the tractive unit. The trailer A-frames are fitted with a telescopic mounting and demounting control bar and kingpin which enables any trailer to be coupled up to demount or remount the body units. The body units are built on an adaptation of Pengco's road / rail demountable base frame units which cater for either conventional chassis pivots and roll demounting and remounting, or straight lift and lower. The mounting rollers are retractable for operation in conjunction with semi-trailers or rail wagons.

Initially the semi-trailers will be based at Stafford and Newcastle and will be used to conduct continuous trunk ing of three 5-ton loads to six feeder depots for local deliveries by the Bedford chassis.