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Longer Life For Trucks With Auto Gearboxes
read with great interest your article leaded "Automatic satisfaction with !sso's extra" (CM November 29) and Kited the comments made by that ex 3ritish Leyland "gen man", Mr......
Rachographs: Drivers Would .10-operate'
-laving just spent a good deal of time mernpting to produce a factual argument in favour of tachographs (which, .emember, was only intended to ;upport the real reasons for......
Any Red Flag?
The mind boggles at the decision of one Mr D. M. Burleigh, Lewes divisional inspector of something, to direct a vehicle, in writing no less, to proceed for a few miles at a......
Taking A Poor View
Rarely do consultants expose their ignorance as does the writer to your December 27 issue (p.30). To assert that the cost of transport adds approximately 40 per cent to the cost......
Competition In Hgv Hire
I have read with interest the article on page 9 (CM December 20) concerning a new competitor in the vehicle hiring business, namely, BRS. I would point out, however, that the......