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Pengco Demounts For Paint Company's Reorganization
THE FIRST phase of a reorganization of its transport operatiort has been completed by Bestobell Paints and Chemicals, a Mitcham subsidiary of Carson Hadfield. The operation uses......
North Sea Roro Services Merger
A NORTH SEA roll-on/roll-off service merger has been concluded between Nike Line of Sweden and Tor Line. The Swedish Salen Shipping Group now has a large shareholding in Tor......
New Business Travel Guide Published
A NEW publication, ABC Air/Rail Europe, combining in a pocket-size format both air and rail services throughout Europe, is being released by ABC Travel Guides, publishers of ABC......
Humber Mcveigh Acquisition
GRIMSBY-BASED Humber McVeigh Transport Ltd has taken over Walter Epton and Sons Ltd, of Punchbowl Lane, Boston, Lincs, and has offered jobs to the 16 employees. The directors,......