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:hain Gang
reifsteg tyre chains for commercial hicles are available now for the first me in this country. The chains msist of many small links instead wer large ones. The links themIves......
Tyre Service Press
portable truck tyre press, the 'orghi 2000, which weighs 101 kg ?.221b) and can 'handle wheels with Im sizes up to 22 in has been introuced into the UK by Apaseal Ltd., he......
Bright Light
A portable emergency fluorescent handlamp has been introduced by Osram-GEC. Light output of the 22.8 cm (9 in) lamp is similar to a 40W household bulb and it will burn for 70......
Dual Displacement
A dual-displacement high-pressure hydraulic hand pump has been introduced by Staffa. The new pump is available with an integral resevoir or can be tank mounted. Pressures of up......
Low Cost Air Lines
A range of low-cost nylon air-line and electrical coils has been intro duced by Abdex Engineering. All the principal sizes are available from stock and all coils are......