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Talking turkey

10th January 1975
Page 39
Page 39, 10th January 1975 — Talking turkey
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I wonder how many hauliers and vehicle salesmen had the same bright thought as Bruce Butterfield, m.d. of J. B. Butterfield Ltd (the people who make diagnostic equipment) over the Christmas break.

He read that 10m workers were expected to be away from work for some 13 days, which he decided was crazy, and conceived the idea of turning on the pressure just when everyone else would be slacking off. The whole sales force was turned on to contacting existing customers to see if they were satisfied with the equipment they had, and then on to demonstrating products to potential customers.

They understandably took a fourday break for the principal Christmas and New Year holidays, but I gather that the result of their seasonal effort was to generate useful new business and create some customer goodwill that had little to do with the season itself.