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itiperange nBritain

10th January 1975
Page 53
Page 53, 10th January 1975 — itiperange nBritain
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Lilt-for Britain's roads, British loads

A particularly wide range of artics and is for every purpose, all available with per cabs if required. Not only High cification Trucks maximising profitability low fuel consumption and minimum ntenance, but also factory-trained mechanics MainDealerstokeepthem runningthat way. They are situated at strategic points mghout the U.K., with adequate stocks of res and many providing service 24 hours a , 365 days a year. Staffed by people who know :ks inside and out. Backed by DAF central (A at Marlow, for immediate supply of itional spares and providing a continuous fling programme for their Dealers. 'ported by DAFaid A unique service available only to DAF rators and drivers. Help 24 hours a day, days .a. year, plus important advice and )rmation on anything from specialists in :trical equipment, windscreens and tyres, to ii police, hotels and ferry timings. Al] with -central telephone number to put you in ch with a highly organised "get you running in service'; at any time, from any place. 1 overseas by IT DAFaid is available in the U.K. to ltinental as well as British drivers. When on the Continent, DAF drivers in Jble can also ring DAFaid in England, or the &. International Truck Service (ITS) HQat idhoven, where assistance will be arranged erever they are on the European mainland, ing on any of the 380 parts and service depots re. No currency problems either, ITS irantees the credit for repairs. With a DAF have more than a premium truck, you have vital back-up service to keep it running ifitably — all the time.