Municipal Contracts
Page 67

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Goole Corporation have approved the purchase of a road sweeper at an estimated cost of £3,250.
Rawtenstall Corporation Transport Committee ask for quotations for the supply of a diesel 2-3-ton Austin one-way tipper wagon to replace a Bedford wagon.
Torquay Corporation Public Health Committee have accepted Me tender of Reed and Co. (Torquay), Ltd.. amounting to £2,303, for the supply al an angle-dozer.
Stoke-on-Trent City Council are recommended to accept the tender of North Stafford Motors (Fun. stall), Ltd., amounting to £788, for the supply of a 4-ton Bedford 33 chassis and cab.
Durham Council Highways and Bridges Committee have accepted the tender of Minories Garages, Darlingtan. Inc the supply of two 15-cwi, diesel-engined vans at a cost of £1,176.
Bedfonlahire County Council invite tenders for the construction of a travelling library. Conditions sPecification and drawings may be obtained from the Clerk of the Council, Shire Hall, Bedford, to whom tenders must be delivered not later than March 27. 1961.
Bolton Corporation Cleansing Committee requite lenders for the supply of a Kuria articulated tractorunit and a Karricr dual-tipping refuse collector. They have accepted the tender of Gordons (Bolton). Ltd.. for the supply of a Ford Thames 41) chassis equipped with gully emptying machinery by the Eagle Engineering Co.. Ltd.
Leleisterahire. Fire Brigade Committee reconimchded that raiders be placed for three Commer CrSh vans, it 'a total Cost not exceeding £1,440; ami for two .Cominer chassis at a total cost of £2,140. Tenders are invited for the conversion of the two chassis into water tenders at an estimated cost oi £4,460, such work to include the lixine by the contractors of the pumps, which are to be applied by the Fire Service.
Glasgow Corporation Cleansing Committee have authorized that tenders be invited for the supply of the following vehicles at an estimated cost of £80.000: eight side-loading refuse collectors; seven compression-type refuse collectors; three compression-type refuse collectors with container hoist equipment; three sweeper collectors; three gully emptiers; three pedestrian-controlled trucks: six gritting machines; one breakdown wagon; and two 5-cwt. vans. Mansfield Corporation Highways Committee has accepted the tender of Shelvoke and Drewry. Ltd.. the supply of an S.D.-type combined gully cesspool emptier, at a price of £2,929. They have also approved the purchase of a tractor loader, a tractor dumper and a 3-tan trailer, required at the sewage disposal works.
Hull Corporation ;Transport Committee have laproved the purchase of two additional buses daring 1161-62, and it is proposed to obtain the chassis from Leyland Motors. Ltd,, and the bodies lions Park Royal Vehicles, Ltd. The Telephones Committee require tenders for the supply of Ill: following vehicles: two Morris 3-ton trucks; one utility van G.P.0.-type; One Morris Vi-ton van: one Austin Gipsy; and one Morris Mini-Minor van, The Civic Catering Services Committee are to purchase a 15-cwt. Ford van, an old 10-cwt. van being taken in part-exchange.
Southport Corporation Highways and Works Committee have placed an order with Perris and Kenn, Ltd.. Liverpool, for the supply and delivery of a replacement engine for a Dennis "Pm:it " :anise collector, at a cost of £173 10s. The Vehica: Purchase and Maintenance Committee have momniended acceptance of the quotation of Kirbys, Ltd., Southport. for the supply of a Karrier petrolengined chassis with a Lomas ambulance body fee the price of £1,974, and of Southport Engineering Co.. Ltd., for the supply at a Bedford 15-cwt. Liilabrake. for the price of £646.
Sheffield Corporation Transport Committee has accepted the following quotations for the supply of new buses: (1.) Leyland Motors. Ltd., for the suprity of 18 double-deck bus chassis at £3.025 each. less an allowance of £171 for tyres; (2) Transport Vehicles (Daimler), Ltd.. for the supply of three double-deck bus chassis at £3,247 each; (3) Park Royal Vehicles. Ltd., for six double-deck bodies at £3,331 each; (4) Metropolitan-Carnmell-Weymania ltd.. for 15 double-deck bodies at £3,337 10s. each. 'Hie Water Committee have accepted the quotations of Kennings, Ltd.. for the supply of a Morris 32 15-cwt. pick-sip van priced at £501 (leas an allowance of £20 for an old vehicle in part-exchange); and tor the supply of a 2-ton truck at a net price of £989 (less an allowance of £45 for an old vehicle in part-exchange). The Highways Committee is to Place an order with T. C. Harrison, Ltd.. for the supply of two " 1 cu. yd. hydraulic loading shovels at a cost of £1,887 12s. cads, less a total allowance of COO on two old machines: and with R. Cripps and Co.. Ltd., for the supply or an " International " TD9 crawler tractor fitted with skid shovel equipment, lit, cu. yd., bucket end driver's cab. for the sum of £6,525.