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T HERE' can be little doubt that there is much to be gained, from the operator's . point of view, if standardization of power...
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Medw imerod I T is no merely formal biographical note to report that in 1938 Medwyn Ormerod came first in the Civil Service...
A SHORT while ago, a group of Tory M.P.s formed a small committee, headed by Mr. Martin Lindsay, Member for Solihull, to...
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The Scramble for Return Loads is On A NOTHER London transport concern has decided to follow the lead of Merchandise Transport...
EEARS that all transport cafes would 1 be able to serve drinks if the Licensing . Bill in its present form became law were...
W ITHIN the limits laid down for normal commercial traffic, it was the Government's policy to leave industry free to choose the...
Pl. A T the time of going to Press the Transport Tribunal had still not issued the reasons for their decision in the...
From Our Industrial Correspondent 1NEXPECTEDLY good progre: 'i appears to have been made whe Mr. John Hare, Minister of Labou...
vV AGES of bus drivers are now nearly three times the immediate pre-war rate. Mr. Peter Thomas, Parliamentary Secretary to the...
P RODUCTION of Leyland vehicles fc export has increased by 32 per cen during the first eight weeks of this yer compared with...
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P ROPOSALS were made • known last week of a plan by Hall and Co., Ltd., and Thames Grit and Aggregates, Ltd., to merge through...
A DEFINITE and encouragi n , z improvement " in the bus stati position is reported by Mr. A. B. B. Valentine, London Transport...
From our Parliamentary Correspondent T HE Minister of Transport has decided not to set up an independent public inquiry into...
From our Industrial Correspondent ik 4Ft. TOM CLARO, the Ministry of in Labour's Chief Conciliation Officer. informed the...
M ODERNIZATION of the booking ball at Victoria Coach Station, London, has now been completed. The work has been carried on over...
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SIR HENRI' SpuRRIER, chairman and managing director of Leyland Motors, Ltd., and MR. D. G. STOKES, Leyland's sales director and...
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N offer by Manchester Corporation I Transport Department of improved tyments to platform staff, at a probable ;st of £4,000 per...
LTD., of Barrhead, were successful in the Glasgow Licensing Court on fuesday in their application for increased capacity to...
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Vehicle Court of Appeal Giving judgment, the Master of the Rolls (Lord Evershed) referred to Section 4 of the Vehicles...
XPRESSING the hope that a little could be rescued from the wreck of a haulage business started in 1930, the North Western...
V EHICLES representative of the Fort commercial range have a prominen place in an Open Week show that hat been organized by...
Change of Name: The Mond Nickel Co„ Ltd., art affiliate of The International Nickel Company of Canada, Ltd., announces that it...
T HE following appointments have beer made at area meetings of the Traders Road Transport Association:— Hereford Chairman:...
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RE-OPERAT1ONAL trials with the Norde " motorway " articulated ehicle, built by the North Derbyshire 'Ingineering Co., Ltd.,...
:OUR more dates for eliminating con tests for the Lorry Driver of the (ear competition were announced this week. They are:...
THE Chrysler Corporation claim a " significant break-through " in gasturbine design with their new 140 h.p. engine. By...
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A NUMBER of interesting operational features of the Guy Wulfrunian double-decker were revealed last week at a meeting between...
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40RE KOWLOON DAIMLERS: An order or 30 Daimler CVG 6 double-decker us chassis has been received by Transport (chides (Daimler),...
DRITISH ROAD SERVICES, British Railways and five independent operators withdrew their objection to an application by Sandford...
From our Parliamentary Correspondent THERE is unlikely to be a publicly sponsored industrial pipeline system in this country....
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From Our Industrial Correspondent VEN before the latest pay increase, details of which are given in the accompanying panel,...
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T is estimated that the number of buses in the United States will continue to terease at about the same rate as the ountry's...
A N ACTION arising out of the theft of a hired van containing goods belonging to a customer of the hirer, was decided by Mr....
Goole Corporation have approved the purchase of a road sweeper at an estimated cost of £3,250. Rawtenstall Corporation...
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DOSSIBLY the most luxurious and 1elegant Van to operate in this country will shortly be seen in the streets. of the City and...
Coincidental with the Employment of a New Giant" Piggy-backing" Device in America Comes Energetic Union Action to Curb this...
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D ISTILLERY companies in Canada are using huge rear-end tipping semi-trailers, fitted with closed top, bodies, to transport -...
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T HE growth of cross-Channel and transcontinental haulage in recent years has not been without its problems. Developments in...
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Is This Possible? TN the February 24 issue of The Commercial Motor you published a letter from . " Trunkie," as well as a...
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- 2ontinent Front-Wheel Drive in Conjunction with Coil-sprung Independent Suspension is a Notable Feature of the Renault...
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R IDE improvements given by air suspension on a semi-trailer were clearly demonstrated in comparative tests carried out in...
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I F the customer were to welcome with open arms the long-distance-rates guide that the Road Haulage Association are now sending...
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Follower Plate for Grease Pump A CIRCULAR follower plate which fits on the tube of an air-operated pump and will follow the...
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T HE pace of contract A licence switches grows this week, with Green's Hauliers (Stoke on Trent), Ltd., seeking a new A licence...
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SPECIAL type of plastics conitainer based on an aluminium platorm has been developed by G. E. 4eville and Son, Ltd., Forest...
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Just How Much Are Modern Traffic Conditions and Bans Costing Urban Operators? AULIERS and ancillary ' users whose work is...
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COMMON problem faced by transport companies in America is that of waterproofing the rear doors of their in semi-trailers....
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E QUIPMENT for facilitating the transfer fer of containers from road vehicles to rail trucks and vice versa is disclosed in...
A N ENGINE having an adjustable compression ratio forms the subject of patent No. 859,764. (R. George, 67 Avenue Foch, Paris.)...