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T. A. Chisholm Ltd. Can. £1.000. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors, etc. Dirs.: T. A, Chisholm and M. A. Chisholm, Castle Mount. Castle Hill, Castle Donningion, Leics. Sec.: M. A. Chisholm. Reg. office: Castle Mount. Castle Hill. Castle Donnington. Leics, Keeling Bros. Ltd. Cap. £2.000. Objects: To acquire the business of transport contractors, etc.. carried on by J. S. 0. Furber. S. T. Hillman and P. M. Hillman at Hobbs Wall. Farmborough.
Somerset, as "Keeling Bros." Dirs.: 1. S. G. Ferber. Allendale. Bendalls Bridge, Clutton. Somerset; S. 1'. Hillman and P. M. Hillman, Hobbs Wall. Farmborough, Som.
S. Bennett (Transport) Ltd. Cap. £10.000. Subs.: S. Bennett. Forest House, Blakeney. Glos: P. J. S. Holmes, Millend Villa. Blakeney: R. 1. Dyer. Old School House. Blakeney. Din not named.
Midland Deliveries Ltd. Cap. €100. Objects: To carry on the business of general delivery or carriage by motor transport, etc. Subs.: 1. V. Hadley, 16 Park Court. AllesIty. Coventry; C. K. Brown, 12 Bereswell Close. Solihull.
F. T. Collier and Sou Ltd. Cap. £3,000. Oblecta: To Carry on the business of haulage contractors. etc. Dirs.; R. T. Collier and M. R. Collier, 12 Sadlers Mead. Chippcnham. Wilts; I. D. Doel.
II New Road. ChipPenharn. Rag. office; Greenway Garage. Greenway Lane. Chippenham. Sec.:
I. D. Doel.
Brownhills Road Transport Ltd. Cap. £2,000. Dim.: L. Cooper. It Brownhills Road. Brownhills. Staffs; T. B. Cooper. 38 Bridge Street. Howden-le. Wear, Bishop Auckland. Sec.: L. Cooper. Reg. office: 18 Brownhills Road, Brownhills, Staffs.
L. A. Reed (Haatage) Ltd. Cap. £2.000. Dirs.: L. A. Reed and E. Recd. 76 Hitt Street. Swinefleet. Sr. Goole. Yorks. Sec.; E. Reed. Reg. office: 76 High Street. Swindled, or. Goole, Yorks.
II. Phillips (Transport/ Ltd. Cap, £1.000. Dim.: H. Phillins. 7 Pollards Wood Road. Norbury, London. SWI6; A. W. Ears. 15 Comerford Road, London. SE4. Sec.: A. W. Earp. Reg. office: 15 Comerford Road. SE4.
Warehousing rind Haulage Ltd. Can, £100. Suhs.: C' W Wade, 12 Lincolns inn Fields. London. WC2; D. Bonen. 4$ Burns Road, Alpenon, Middx. Sec.: C. W. T Wade.
Wellistoss Haulage Ltd. Can. £100. Subs.; L. R. Balla and W. J. Wildman. 13 Well Court, Bow Lane. London. EC4. Sec.: L. R. Handl. Reg. office: 13 Well Court. Bow Lane, London. EC4.
R. G. Flummery (Transport) Ltd. Cap. £100. Subs.: I., H. Lewis and F. A. Dean. 6 Surrey Street. 1.ondon. WC2. Sec.: F. A. Dean. Reg. office: 26 Craven Street, London. WC2.
BIT lEtkeirno in Transportl Ltd. Cap. Elm). Objects: To carry on the business of management consuliants and achiserc to users of all forms of transportation. etc. Dirs.; G. White and A. J. White, 9 Fiona Close. Gt. Bookharn, Leatherhead. Surrey: I. S. White. 5 Halstead House. Ilishonswood Road. -Farley. nr. Basingstoke, Sec.: M. Montgomery.
Storbrook Ltd. Cap. £100. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors. etc. Subs.: L. H. Lewis. and F. A. Dean. 6 Surrey Street. London WC2. Sec.: F. A. Dean.
Export Protect Seniors Ltd. Cap.: £100. Objects; To carry on the business of general carriers. etc. Dim.: J. Mapleson and N. E. Mapleson. Ceyboorne. Longaford Way. Hutton. Brentwood. Essex. Sec.:
R. S. Hooper.
Pull Transport Lid. ('an. £100. Dirs.: S. Barnes, 25 Sr. John's Wood Terrace. London NW8; S. 0. Roberts. 27 Addison Avenue, London WI I. Sec.: S. 0. Roberts. Rex. office: 1 Gresham Street. London EC2.
Askew Haulane Ltd. Can. £100. Subs.: L. H. Lewis. A. Dean, 6 Surrey Street. London WC2. Sec.: F. A. Dean. Reg. office: 6 Surrey Street. London WC2.
Drambar Haulage Co. (General) Lid. Cap. £1110, Dirs.: A. E. Wainner and J. E. Wainner. 87 Carron Lane. South Ockenden, Essex. Sec.: A. E. Wainner. Reg. office: 87 Gamut Lane. South Ockenden, Essex.
A. Woodford Ltd. Cap. £5.000. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors. etc. Dirs.; H. C. McGovern and P. G. McGovern. 62 London Road, Caine. Wilts. Sec.: P. 0. McGovern. Reg. office: 62 London Road, Caine. Wilts. Bromsarove Road Services Ltd. Cap. £10.000. Objects: To cares on the business of transport contractors. etc. Dirs.; S. W. Everitt. Dorlderhill Court. Droitwich. Worm: C. J. Whittingham. Ferndale. Cross Road. Albrighton, Salop. Sec.: E. C. 3 Whitingham. Reg. office: Dodderhill Court. Droitwich. Worcs.
W. and M. GrImsley fTransportl Ltd. Can. £2,000. Dirs.: 1 Hingley. 144 Hill Village Road. Four Oaks. Sutton Coidfield: R H. HinaleY. 5 Orchard Grove, Four Oaks, Sutton' Coldfield. Sec.: R. H. Hingley. Rea. office.: 5 Orchard Grove. Four Oaks Sutton Coldtield.
Evans Bros. (Haulage) Ltd. Cap. £1,500. Objects: To acquire the business or haulage contractors. etc.. carried on by John M. Evans at Swansea as " J. M. Evans." Dirt.: M. Evans, 74 Craig Road. Godregraig. Swansea, Glam.: G. Evans. 3 Snow Terrace. Ystradslynlais. Swansea. Set.; D. G. Evans, Reg. office: 74 Craig Road. &Armen. Swansea, Glam.
Bulk Powders OdSdlands) Ltd. Cap. £5,000. Objects: To carry on the business of Proprietors and operators of bulk transport and tanker fleets, haulage and transport contractors. etc. Dirs.: H. D. Cullen. 43 Perlethorpe Avenue. ('arlton, Notts; J. Wilbourn. 45 Rodney Road. West Bridgford, Notts. Sec.: J. Wilbourn, Reg. office: Private Road Number 7. Colwick. Notts, William R. Harrison Transport (Woodville1 Ltd. Cap. £100. Subs.: D. M. Graeme and P. G. Graeme. 61 Fairview Avenue, Gillingham. Kent, Sec.: D. M. Graeme.
Harpsntrend Road Transport Ltd. Cap. £100. Objects: I-. carry on business of road transport clearing house, motor haulage contractors, etc. Subs.: J. Herbert. T. A Herbert. 156 Strand. London. WC2. sec. T. A. Herbert, Hedstrips Ltd. Cap. £100. Other details are similar to Harpsatrend Road Transport !Ad.
Vic Shaman Haulage Ltd. Cap. £100. Subs.: D. M. Gramm P. G. Graeme. 61 Fairview Avenue.
Gillingham. Kent Sec.: D. M. Graeme.
Money Tatters:al ITransporl) Ltd. Car), £100, Dirs.: G. Smiley. 2 Harry Street, Castleion, Rochdale; J. Hilton. II Taunton Avenue. Rochdale.
Sec.: G. Sweeney. Reg. office: 2 Harry Street. Castleton. Rochdale.