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roducts and know-how ) make vehicle bodybuilding easier, aicker and more profitable alco-Rib—better wear, better s, less...
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N EXT week the National Negotiating Committee for the Road Haulage Industry (Hire or Reward) holds what might well be described...
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'THE Road Haulage Association has this week been attempting to have a Midlands strike of lorry drivers dealt with by the...
540-TANKER TAKEOVER BY STATE COMPANY THE largest road tanker fleet in the country—Harold Wood and Sons Ltd., of Heckmondwike,...
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draft regulations will mean that trailers constructed before January 1. 1967. and not equipped with new-standard brakes, will...
s1E.W, forced-ventilaan system will be at next week's Curt Show in an deep sleeper version ; Leyland Ergornatic me of two...
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By the Technical Editor ALTHOUGH clouded in a considerft able haze of legal jargon and extending to some 16 foolscap pages,...
L`ROM the end of this month all Scammell 12-ton semi-trailers and auto-coupled Fourtraks will be fitted as standard with this...
A NEW engine-starting device which does not require electric power to operate it was introduced by Simms Motor Units Ltd. this...
B ULLENS ORGANIZATION LTD. have refuted persistent rumours that they are to discontinue their Continental road trailer service...
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READY operating frequent services with their "Free Enterprise" vessels e 90-minute short sea,route between rr and Calais,...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT GOVERNMENT SPONSORED earchlight has been turned on to ransport and distribution costs of...
Co. announced a 15 per cent rebate for ship-discharging rates for timber arriving in packaged form at Manchester provided that...
collection, storage and delivery of cars, involving share exchanges between British Road Services and Western Motor Holdings...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A DAMAGING indictment of the AASHO road tests has been made by the PI German road haulage...
D URING the coming winter about 1,700 Post Office vehicles in the London area will take part in a " dimdip" headlight...
T HE Customs authorities have announced their intention to continue on a permanent basis the procedure introduced...
A NEW range of fire appliances known as the Marquis Series Seven models, based on the latest AEC Mercury chassis, has been...
1-1 A MODIFIED, rather than abolished. carriers' licensing system, a network of goods traffic control points under Licensing...
VfORE detailed conditions for the estab lishment of inland examination centres for containerized (raffle have been announced...
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E Road Haulage Association has iked 100 members to assist in a telly survey of operating costs. The !rt members represent as...
E Traders Road Transport Associaion's support for the Geddes Report to allow own-account vehicles to • for hire and reward is...
N objection by a Shropshire coach operator to fares increases proposed by the West Midland Traffic Commissioners led to a...
HEN representatives of 15 C-licensees met in London on Wednesday for the :vening meeting of the new Association idustrial Road...
W LTSHI RE haulage contractor applying for extra vehicles to haul Tial from Staffordshire to Westbury. ;hire, was without " one...
W HEN Huntingdonshire police stopped a vehicle recently and asked the driver who owned it. a chain of events was started which...
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A N invasion' of Hampshire tipper operators, all sub-contractors to Mid Southern Tipping Group Ltd., applying for short-term B...
A FELIXSTOWE haulier, Mr. William Stokell, was called before the Eastern, deputy Licensing Authority last week to explain why...
APPLICATIONS (September 1, 1965) G. T. Barker, Birtley, B var., add I T. (410. Also vary conditions on all veh. to read: Plant...
APPLICATIONS (September 3. 19651 W. T. Lynch. Manchester. new A tic.. I veil. (810. Building mats., scrap, solid fuels,...
APPLICATIONS (September 2, 19631 Curbiabley Bros.. Uttogeter, new A tic., 3 veh. (1550 (includes 3 cont.. 50. Livestock, as...
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APPLICATIONS (September 1, 1965) F, Boot. Cardiff, new A lie., 1 veh. goods For British Oxygen Co. Lid,. Coates and Co, Ltd....
as follows: Mr. R. Wills, South Wales; Mr. I. R. Cullum, South Western; Mr. L. Keen, Eastern. Mr. S. Vickers has joined the...
WE regret to record the deaih of Mr. T. W. Hesiop. Mr. Heslop was traffic controller for the Co-operative Wholesale Society's...
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T HE fast, limited-stop, Cymru Coastliner express coach service was introduced by Crosville Motor Services Ltd. along the North...
'rWO municipal bus undertakings have -L placed orders for extended-wheelbase Fleetline chassis to form the basis of new...
STRIKING NEW SINGLE-DECKERS COMING T EN years too late? The first of a batch of Daimler Fleetlines (above) due to enter service...
committee has recommended a regrading that will give 16 inspectors pay increases of between £50 and £60 a year. This, if...
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SS OM E details of a new type combustion engine were given by Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Meurer of MAN, Germany, at a Press conference...
LL production of International Harvester Loadstar goods chassis ady built in the USA) will start at Carr Hill Works, Doncaster,...
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!der By R. D. CATER DIGGER demands on braking systems, 1 - 1 being made daily by worsening traffic conditions, higher road...
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A NEW 20-ton running gear will make its debut at the Frankfurt Motor Show. Manufactured by Rubery. Owen and Co. Lid.. at its...
Grinding Equipment Part 2 nding for accuracy and finish. 21 speed plays an all important though when referring to wheel should...
worth passing other readers ? It must relate to ma flee practice, if a panel, on which ;man sits, considers your idea worth...
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and Publications Retreads for Light Vans I ATEST addition to the Blue Peter range of retread tyre patterns suitable for light...
of Swedish design is now being supplied by W. C. Youngman Ltd. Called Robur, these trucks feature lightness of construction and...
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Size up the immense possibilities of YORK's brand-new TR1AXLE. It weighs only 10 cwts. more than a tandem axle trailer built...
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AY,P...COOKSWAY! ITHIN the next few weeks, as the summer holiday season is waning, a car towing a well-equipped caravill leave...
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for Deliveries and Sites 1111 1 DISC FRONT BRAKES ON SOME MODELS EW range of low-loading chassis nd a new tipper chassis, all...
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By A.J.P. WILDING AMI Mech E, MI RTE N EW goods vehicle designs which Daimler-Benz AG, is to feature at the forthcoming...
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L . ONG awaited by the commercial vehicle industry, the release today of official news of the Perkins V8 automotive diesel is...
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By E. JAMES MILLEN 1,40W useful is the Lorry Driver of the Year competition? Is it worth the time and money expended on it? Is...
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D ETER1VIINEDLY treading the path of no excess, Mr. John Darker of "The Commercial Motor ", in the new Fabian pamphlet "Long...
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M R. 1. E. JOHNSON'S suggestion (The Commercial Motor, August 27) of more intensive driver training to achieve greater artic...
R ECENT correspondence about the lack of a rear" engined AEC double-decker and the all-powerful position of the Leyland Motor...
R EFERRING to the item on page 35 of the August 27 issue about cattle transporters built by J. A. Thorne and Son, I was...
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T. A. Chisholm Ltd. Can. £1.000. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors, etc. Dirs.: T. A, Chisholm and M. A....
By George Wilmot Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London The Use and Abuse of Statistics in Road Transport : 41...