Mr. Hugh I. Arnold, deputy export nanager of A.E.C. (Sales)
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Ltd., has been tppointed general sales manager of Transport Equipment (Thornycroft) Ltd. le still retains his position with A.E.C. lefore joining the latter company in 1961 vIr. Arnold was assistant export manager if Transport Equipment (Thornycroft) mm 1953.
Mr. John A. Marsh has been appointed echnical director of the Bostrom Manuacturing Co. Ltd., of Surbiton and ..torthampton.
Mr. A. Franks, Cant. G. E. T. Eyston nd Mr. S. R. Miller are to retire from he Castrol Group board on June 30. lelr. Franks and Capt. Eyston will coninue to assist the company in an dvisory capacity, whilst Mr. Miller will etain his position as chairman of the ubsidiary company. Fletcher Miller Ltd. Ir. C. E. R. MiMidge is to retire as .ssistant managing director but will etain his seat on the Castro] board. 4r. E. E. Hughes, Mr. L. J. Windridge nd Mr. G. J. B. Williams, who have all Peen with the company in managerial positions for many years, have been lected to the board with effect from uly 1.
Mr. R. E. Foster and Mr. K. W. Hayes lave been appointed to the board of lernard Wardle (Everflex) Ltd.. and Mr. t. E. Foster and Mr. E Pond have been ppointed to the board of Bernard Yardle Fabrics Ltd.
Mr. Alan Hess, group public relations tanager of Simms Motor and Electronics -...Lorporation Ltd., has relinquished his osition as advertising manager of one of he group companies, Simms Motor Units Ad. and has assumed the new title of ontroller of group public relations. Mr. V. R. Haywood becomes publicity [tanager of Simms Motor Units Ltd., iith Mr. D. E. Wood as his assistant.
Col. F. T. Davies has retired as senior ice-president of Gulf Europtan Comany but will act as a consultant to the hilt Oil Corporation and the Gulf cornanies in London. He remains a director I Gulf Oil (Gt. Britain) Ltd.
Mr. Wilfrid Andrews has been e-elected chairman of the Royal Autoip tobile Club for the 19th year in succesion. Mr. Arthur B. Bourne was elected vice-chairman in place of Mr. Leonard Dyer, who has retired after three ears' occupancy of this position. The ther vice-chairmen, who have been e-elected, are Mr. John Crampton and -1r. Howard Math'as. Mr. T. E. McNeill who, as reported last week, Kas relinquished his connection with Frank C. Jackson Ltd., has been appointed transport manager of Tillotsons Containers Ltd., Manchester.
Mr. T. H. D. Langbam has been appointed assistant sales manager of Eaton Axles Ltd., Warrington, and Mr. J. Chassin has been appointed commercial manager of Eaton Axles, France.
Following the announcement that discussions are taking place for a merger of the trading activities of the Solex and Zenith Carburetter companies, Mr. Leonard J. Spencer has been appointed deputy chairman of Zenith in addition to his existing position as director of the company and managing director of The Northern Engineering Co. (Furness) Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zenith. Mr. Brian S. Minshull becomes general manager at Zenith in addition to being director and general manager of Solex. Mr. Geoffrey Lawrence becomes group chief engineer at Zenith.
Mr. J. E. Barnwell and Mr. A. Fussey, of British Ropes Ltd., have been appointed to the board of B. and B. Trailers Ltd.
Mr. J. A. Chubb, advertising manager of Taskcrs of Andover (1932) Ltd., has retired after 181 years' service with the company. He is succeeded by Mr. A. J. Den11, who has been a member of Taskers' home sales staff since 1961.
Mr. L. W. Brading has been appointed assistant secretary to the East Kent Road Car Co. Ltd., replacing Mr. N. C. Crawford, who has joined the Yorkshire Woollen District Co. Ltd. as secretary, Following the recent appointment of Mr. F. E. Savage as service manager, five area managers (service division) have been appointed by the Skelko Ball Bearing Co. Ltd., Luton. They are Mr. S. A. Meeds (London district), Mr. R. G. Pepperell (South West district), Mr. K. C. Taylor (Nottingham/Leicester district). Mr. W. E. Wilcox (Yorkshire district). and Mr. R. B. G. Wildig (North West district).
Mr. Finlay Walls and Mr. Robert F. Davis have joined the board of Suntex Safety Glass Industries Ltd., of Iver, Bucks. Chairman and managing director of Suntex is Mr. Jack Davis.
Handy Angle Ltd. have appointed Mr. Robyn Grant as sales manager of Industrial Link Systems. This is a newly formed division.
Mr. R. E. Mitchell has been appointed managing director of Avery-Hardoll Ltd. He joined the company as works director in 1959, and was appointed commercial director in 1960 and director/general manager in 1961. Mr.. George Cameron has been appointed a director and general manager of Atkinson Vehicles (Scotland) Ltd., succeeding Mr% J. M. MacInnes who, as recently
announced, has been appointed
sales director of Atkinson Vehicles Ltd., Preston. Before joining the company last October, Mr. Cameron was a member of the Leyland Group sales organization in Scotland.
Mr. B. C. Clarke (Leicester City Transport) has been elected chairman of the Leicester centre, Institute of Traffic Administration, for the year 1964-5. Mr. R. E. Teear (White's Haulage Ltd.) becomes vice-chairman, Mr. T. W. Mason has been appointed Midland sales manager, original equipment division, of Wingard Ltd. Mr. Mason joined the company in 1953 from Smiths Motor Accessories Ltd. Mr. P. H. Elliott has been appointed sales representative for Cardiganshire, Montgomeryshire, Herefordshire, Merionethshire, Worcestershire, Shropshire, Radnorshire, South Staffs and Warwickshire.