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IN THE past 15 years the volume of international goods transport in 'Europe has doubled • every live years! This staggering...
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A T a well-attended meeting of car transporter operators in London on Monday. virtually unanimous approval was given to the...
"C LOSING the gate before the horse has a chance to bolt" was one of the phrases used in describing the purpose of the...
A N official objection to proposals for peak-hour bans on goods vehicles in streets around the centre of Reading has been...
for improvement in the consultative arrangements between the docks authorities and the providers of transport, especially at...
W HILST accepting the need for specific braking efficiencies (as proposed in conjunction with the new weights and dimensions...
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A T a Lor,7 Driver of the Year national executive committee meeting in Coventry on Tuesday, it was decided that penalties in...
rIN Tuesday the Transport Develop ment Group Ltd. acquired the issued share capital of Thomas Smith Jun. (Newhaven) Ltd., of...
WpTH the acquisition, 'announced this VV week, of Lincolnshire and Durham haulage concerns, London and Northern Securities Ltd....
T HE present British importers of DAF Daffodil private cars. DM' Concessionaires Ltd., 10 Albemarle Street. London, W.I, are...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT RITISH RAILWAYS chairman, Dr. Beeching, and Mr. Sidney Greene, general secretary of the...
LWAN COOK (HOLDINGS) LTD., 1 - 4 Peckham, and the Joseph Constantine Steamship Line Ltd. have announced that negotiations have...
a major transport problem with the notification by British Railways that they plan to stop accepting boxes of flowers for...
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A NEW develop ment announced by Weeks and Co. (En g ineers) Ltd.. Oxford Street, Wincolmlee, Hull, is a 12-ton-capacity sin g...
THE removal of the tax on fuel oil used by buses would be a major contribution towards the improvement of urban and rural...
A NEW, two-pron g ed attack on the problem of traffic in towns was disclosed by Mr. Marples in the Commons on Wednesday. He...
"THE Prime Minister fast week promised I to make a "very limited" examination of any cases in which old people are sufferin g...
NAR. MARPLES this week refused to in take steps to discoura g e lorry traffic on main roads out of _lar g e towns durin g the...
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A SERIES of experiments involving platoons of buses has been carried out at the G.M.C. Proving Ground in America, and the...
U NITED AUTOMOBILE SERVICES LTD., has applied for a licence to operate a bus service between Newcastle upon Tyne (Marlborough...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT R ELATIONS between the London Transport Board and its busmen took a step forward at their...
IN BRIEF No Right Turn: The Glasgow Corporation highways and safety committee has refused a request by Scottish Omnibuses Ltd....
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A NUMBER of innovations for Old ham Corporation passenger transport department are included in 10 recently delivered...
A FEATURE of 17 Alexander-bodied Leyland Atlanteans on order for the Gateshead and District Omnibus Co. Ltd. will be one-piece...
B ECAUSE of the continued fall ir passenger traffic, Luton Corporation transport committee has considered future policy with...
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A FTER an adjournment consultation between the parties, an application for 12 articulated vehicles on A licence was withdrawn...
A T Glasgow on Wednesday the Scottish PI Licensing Authority, Mr. W. F. Quin, criticized the rates paid by Colvilles Ltd. for...
A N application last week for fares increases by Ribble Motor Services has been granted by the Northern Traffic Commissioners...
T HE service between Newark and Cambridge provided by Thomas Tours Ltd. would not suffer if a jointlyoperated express service...
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A N application by Joe Priestley I -1 (Warrington) Ltd. to vary their normal user by including steel and paper and adding four...
T HE. managing director of two haulage companies in Cornwall told the Western Licensing Authority, Mr. S. W. Nelson, at Exeter,...
JOHN flAkRLE 'LTD., of Glasgow, J operating 94 vehicles, was granted a switch of 25 of these---the only remaining B-licensed...
IN a written judgment giving its reasons for dismissing an appeal by Broadway Haulage and others against a grant of a...
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and the Midlands T WO large contract switches and a big A-licence application are among the haulage bids listed this week. In...
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Ltd., has been tppointed general sales manager of Transport Equipment (Thornycroft) Ltd. le still retains his position with...
WE regret to record the deaths of Mr. A. E. Bonfield, Mr. A. E. Dew, Mr. Walter Epton and Mr. John' H. Wilcox. Mr. Bonfield,...
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A T the second European Automotive Symposium, organized by Petrofina S.A. and held in Brussels between Monday and Thursday of...
MORE A.E.C. CHASSIS FOR AFRICA: A.E.C. Ltd. has received orders for a total of 53 goods chassis from its African distri butors....
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rr HERE is a vacancy for a technical man on the editorial staff of "The Commercial Motor ". The successfuj applicant must have...
the I Rootes Group and the Chrysler Corporation announced agreement on the proposed acquisition by Chrysler of 30 per cent of...
device 1 which was claimed to purify exhaust gases from • motor vehicles were committed in custody at Wells Street Court,...
A FTER claiming that last winter's 1 – t second-year dipped-headlight campaign proved a success, in that casualties were down...
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Russian Prospects for Perkins: Following his visit to the British Exhibition in Moscow, Mr. Richard Perkins, director and...
Arc Welding Hints—Overhead Welding WITH overhead welding, as with vertiVI' cal, the first and hardest task is to strike an...
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▪ QUIPMENT which provides a means of bringing back to —• standard size the bores of worn valve guides without removTig them...
AC Pressure Cap and Cooling System Tester is now available from the AC-Delco Division of General Motors Ltd. The new tester,...
the motor industry are announced by Boots the Chemists. One of these is a " Wax and Clean" car shampoo, which consists • of a...
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EYE By The Hawk VIEW Why the increase One of the changes arising from the formation of the London Transport Board in place...
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S TUDIES of this, that and the other are as characteristic of Dr. Beeching as they were of Leonardo da Vinci. His progress...
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O PPOSING views on advertising were ventilated at the morning session of the annual conference of the British Association of...
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rRY By G. A. PEARSON S EEDS are still sown by the million in Eastern England but the miles of green fields no longer conceal...
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From a Special Correspondent A T its ninth Congress, in Cannes last week, the International Road Transport Union (l.R.U.)...
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O NE of the ironies of our highly mechanized civilisation was that modern road surfaces, fastmoving traffic and the high cost...
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nce, others were straightforward suction iachines. Mention had been made of the fact at some suction-assisted power sweepers...
majority of authorities with a Thigh reputation for snow clearance produced detailed plans which were revised each year, said...
QUMMING up on his exhaustive review of work study as applied to public cleansing, Mr. Frank Flintoff (director of public...
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good opportunity of considering . the different Methods to be adopted and the equipment that was being displayed in relation to...
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THE Kent round of the Lorry Driver L of the Year competition yearly goes from strength to strength, the 1964 edition at...
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Overall winner R. Hatley with his trophy. F LAGS and bunting out everywhere; shops festooned whir flowers; pipe bands; a...
Overall Winner: 1, R. Halley (B.R.S.). Bristol. Runner-up: J. M. Gardner (John Russell Ltd.), A.E.C. Team Award: British Road...
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F OLLOWINCi consideration, in previous articles, of circumstances in which the hiring of commercial vehicles on contract might...
7-tanner on contract asks for advice on the possibility of acquiring an open licence and at the same time leasing a new...
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The Link-up Betwe MEWS that the CHRYSLER CORPORATION is offering to buy 30% of each holding of Ordinary Shares of ROOTES at a...
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The editor is always pleased to receive letters on all aspects of the road transport Industry. Contributors must include their...