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Roydon Motors Ltd. Cap. £100, Objects: To carry on the business of' transport and haulage contractors, etc. Subs.: F. Collier and M. B. Dunne. 23 Bentinck Street, London, W.I.
Burgess and Walker Ltd. Cap. £100. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors, etc. Subs.: S. H. Lucas and F. A. Dean, 6 Surrey Street, London, W.C.2. Sec.; S. H. Lucas. Reg. office: 6 Surrey Street, London, W.C.2.
Roundcoort Ltd. Cap, £100. Objects: To carry on the biisiness Of haulage contractors, etc. Subs.: S. H. Lucas ,and F. A. Dean, 6 Surrey Street, London,W.C.2. Sec.; S. H, Lucas. Reg. office: 6. Surrey Street, W.C.2.
King's Coaches (Amershion) Ltd.. Cap. £1,000. Dirs.: 5. J. 'Fox, 33 Chestnut Lane, Amersham, Bucks; R. I. Men, 24 South Road, Amersham. See,: A. Henderson. Reg. office: 33 Chestnut Lane, Amersham., .
G. S. Sheldon Ltd, Cap, £1,000. Objects: To carry on the . business .of general carriers, etc. Dirs.: W. Sheldon, 67 Stoats Nest Road, Coulsdon, Surrey; D. G. S. Sheldon, 182 Brighton Road, Coulsdon; J. C. Sheldon. Reg, office; 67 Stoats Nest Road, Copletton, Approach Transport Ltd. Cap. MD. Objects: To acquire the business of haulage contractors, etc., carried on by R. W. White as " R. White Transport ". Dirt,: R. W. White and E. M. Williams. White Rose, Pilgrims Road, Hailing, nr. Snood. Kent, Sec.; E. M. Williams, Reg. Office; 3-4 Clements Inn, London, W.C.2.
Autohauls (London) Lid. Cap. £2,000. Objects: To carry nn the business of haulage contractors. etc. Subs.; Dr. I. H. D. Johnston, Elven Lodge. Grove Park Gardens, London, W.4; R. A. Tate, Ellerslie, Sutton Lane,W.4, Dir.; Dr. I. H. D. Johnston. Sec.: R. A. Tate. Reg. office: 2.0 Fitzroy Square. W.I.
Cation/Ion Transport Co: Ltd. Cap, £100. Dirs.: N. J. Anderson, Harnistworth Lodge, Salisbitty, Wilts; C. P. S. .Bullen,. The Manor House. Didmartin, Sc.-Badminton. Glos. Sec.: E. A. Bullets. Reg, .office; 30 St. Giles, Oxford,
flE.`..Goirlden •Lid. Cap. £100. Objects; To carry on. the' butiness• of transport and haulage contractors, etc. Subs.: D. E. Goulden, 3.'Western Road, Chandlers Ford, Hants; N. H. Russell. 12 Norrhdown Close, Maidstone. Kent. Reg. office: 100 Park Street, London, W.I.
W. 'J. Wootton and Son Ltd. Cap. £100. Objects; To carry on the business of haulage con.tractors, etc. Subs.: D. L. Barnes and P. F. Easton, 23 Russell_ Street, Reading, Berks. Sec.; D. L. Barnes. Reg. office: 23 Russel/ Street. Rending.
Townsend Continental Car Ferries Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.; R. B. Wickenden, 108 Northumberland Road, Leamington Spa, Warwicks.' J. J. Habana 14 Pangfield Park, Coventry. Sec.: J. J. Heffron. Reg. office: Market Chambers, Shelton Square, Coventry.
Alan Green (Roadways) Ltd. CRP. --1:3,tok. Objects: To acquire rhe business of haulage contractor, etc.. carried on at Woore. nr. Crewe. Cheshire, as " Alan Green ". Dirs.: A. H. Green and E). M. Green, Aucilem Road, Woore, Salop. See.: A. H. Green. Reg. office: Audlern Road. Woore, Salop.
Transaids (Swindon) Ltd, Cap. £100. Objects; To acquire the whole or part of the undertaking. aSsCIS and business of Transaids Ltd., and in particular that part of the undertaking carried on at Swindon. To carry on the business of designers, builders, merchants and distributors of and dealers in commercial vehicles, etc. Subs.: I. Peaces' and J. 'M. Walker, 59-67 Gresham Street, London, E.C,2.
' Bowden Transport (Contracts) Ltd. Cap, £1,000. Dies.; H. G. and 1.. M. and D. J. Bowden, 73 Sherwood Avenue, London. S.W.16; E. T. Bowden and G. M, Bowden, 57 Vale Road, Mitcham, Surrey; A. M. Bowden, 45 Nigel Road. London, Sec,; R. G. S. Darling. • Reg. office: 120 122 Peckham Hill Street, London. S.E.15. .
Eaves Transport Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.; M. E. and D. C. W. Eaves, 3 Grangefield, Agar Grove. London, N.W.1. See.: V. M. Tehel Lid. Reg. Office: 3 Grangefield, Agar Grove, N.W.1.
Vertsapass Haulage Ltd. • Cap. £100. Subs.: Y. Herbert and T. A. Herbert, 156 Strand, London, W.C.2. See.; T. A. Herbert.
Border Transport and Shipping Ltd. Cap. £100. Subs.: I). M. Gracme and P. G, Graeme. 61 Fair
view Avenue, 13illinghatn. Kent. See.; D. M. Graelm.
Hodgson and Company (Liverpool) Ltd. Cap. £6,000. Objects: To carry on the business-of transport and haulage contractors, etc. Dirs.: E. Banks, 51 Broxton Avenue Orrell. nr. Wigan: S. 5, Porter,' 13 North Park Road, Kirkby, Liverpool; J. F. W. S. Hargreaves, 9 Bankstield Avenue, Cadley, Preston. Sec.: S. S. Porter. Reg. office: Fir Trees Siding. Lower Puce, Wigan
Ellison's Transport Services Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: D. C. Eilisna and S. E. Ellison, 2 Norman Road, Gosport, Hants. Sec.; D. C. Ellison. Reg. office: 6 Chancraouse, Commercial Road, Portsmouth.
R.' C. James (Hanlage) Ltd.Cap. £1,000. Dirs.: .R. C. James, " Byways ", Coltness Estate. Wentburr Road, Plymstock, Devon; C. G. Pethick, Harleigh Cottage, Elburton. nr, Plymouth. See, E. Z. Pethick. Reg. office: " Byways", Coltness Estate, Wembury Road, Plymstock.
John Beientir and Sons Ltd. Cap. e8,000. Objects: To carry on the business of dealers in antique second-hand and new furniture, gold silver articles, etc. Dirs.: J. M. S. Beaux and I, G. Beazor, 20 Ratlimore Road, Cambridge; K Bcazor, 5 Alwyn Road, Cambridge. A. II. Reator, Sec.: K. S. Bearor, Reg. office: 78-80 Regent Street, Cambridge.
Frank McDonald Ltd. Cap: £100, Objects: To carry on the business of dealers in pictures, prints, maps, sculptures, antiques, etc. Subs.: A. C. Everett. 9 Courtfield Gardens, London. S.W.5; D. R. Tillett, 66 Cornwall Gardens. S.W.7.
Hailsford Haulage Ltd. Cap. £100. Subs.; L. R. Batten and W, I. Wildman, 13 Well Court, Bow Lane, London. E.C.4. Sec.: L. R. Batten. Reg office: 13 Well Court: Bow LAM. E.C.4.
F. .Nroton. and Son (Hauliers) Ltd. Can. E500 Dirs.: F. Minot], 72 Somerset Street. Hull; F., S Norton, '49 .B.5tel/a Drive, Hull, See.: F. S Norton. Reg. office: 72 Somerset Street, Hull, B. T. Sitlwell (Transport) Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.' B. T.Sidwell, Aston Cottage, Aston,re-, Hone Tlerbys; G. A. Bradshaw,The Dale, Stoney Middleton, in. Sheffield. Sec.: S. Hart, Reg, office Aston Cottage, Aston. nr. Hope, 'Derbys.
'Read and Woods ilitinlage) Ltd. Cap. £1,000 Dim.;a, Read. 12 i arbert Crescent, 'Blackburn R. Woods, 151 Rothesay. Road. Blackburn. Reg
office; 1 and 3 Hall Street, Blackburn. "
Matthews (Lee Mill) Ltd. Cap. ti100. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage cOntracfors. etc. Dirs.: W. S. Matthews. 19 Moortand Avenue, PlYnneon„ Devon; C. S. Matthews, 21 Oaktield• Road, Plymptun. Sec.: C. S.. Matthews. Reg. office: Matthews Garage. Lee Mill, Evybridge•
C.. N. Selfe Ltd. Cap. £20.000. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage and transport contractors. etc. Dirs.: C. N. Sac and P. M. ScIfe, Station Farm, Rook. Rants See,: D. A Lewcock.
Leigh's Coaches (Bolton) Ltd. Cap. £5,000 Objects: To acquire the business of a coach proprietor, etc., carried on by J E. Leigh at Bolton Dirs.: J. E. Leigh and. E. A. Leigh, .263 Chnrici. New Road, Bolton; W: Leigh and E. Leigh,' 36 Green Lane, Bolton'. Sec.; J. F. Leigh, Reg. Office: 'Clive Street, Bonen, Chamti Transport Lid. Cap. £1,030. ' 'Dirs.: J. E. Champ: 10 CoIlingwood Avenue. Dideot. Berks; .0. C. Bidewetl, 9 The Croft Didcot: H. G.. Windless' and D. M. Cressey. Reg. 10 Collingwbod Avenue. Dicicos.
I. and P, Conlon Ltd. Cap: £5,008 Objects: To carry on the besiness of road-transport 'clearing house, etc. Dirs.: .1. Conlon and P. I. Cordon.. The Rosary. STiZe Norton Road, MirISItt; Oxford. Sec.: 0. N. Conlon. Rea.' office: The Rosary, Brim Norton Road, Minster Lovell. Oxford,
Cllafield Ltd. Cap. £100. Objects: To carry' on the business of haulage contractors. etc. Subs.:.. L. H. Lewis and F. A. Dean, 6 Surrey Street, London, W.C.2. See.: F. A. Dean. Reg, office: 6 Surrey Street, W.C.2,
Transport Deliveries Inadustriah Ltd. Can. £100. Dirs.: E. E. Cahill, 43 Pullman Court, Streatham Mt London, S.W 2: H. Barnett, 5513orough High Street, London. S.E.I. Sec.: E. C. Cahill. Reg. office; 130 Queens Road, London, S.E.15,