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Private Enterprise Operation Of Ulster Bus Services
D OAD passenger operations in Northern Ireland are being examined by the Ulster Transport Authority, at the request of the Government, with a view to an experiment to determine......
Fuel Tax Relief For Buses
nETAILS of the scheme under which bus operators can claim relief from the extra 6d, per gallon fuel duty imposed in the autumn budget have been sent by the Minister of Transport......
Second Phase Of Subsidized Rural Bus Services...
THE second three-monthly phase of Britain's first subsidized rural bus services in the Louth market town area of Lincolnshire has been disappointing, according to the operator,......
Tottenham Bus Lane Is To Be Extended
PA A SPECIAL bus lane, 200 yards long, which forms part of .a proposed oneway traffic scheme in Tottenham, North London, may now be extended to a length of half a mile. The......
Plaxton Highway Buses For North East A Lthough Renowned...
production of luxury coach bodies. Plaxtotis (Scarborough) Ltd. also specializes in other types of body, not least of all service bus bodies mounted on A.E.C. Reliance, Leyland.......
In Brief
National Coach Rally: Entry forms arc now available for the 1965 National Coach Rally, to be held on April 3 and 4, the venue again being Blackpool. Applications should he made......