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12th March 1965
12th March 1965
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Page 1, 12th March 1965

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Night Owls

W ILL retail distribution by road one day become substantially a night-time operation in big centres? As.such, the question is...

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Demurrage System Advantageous to Trade and Industry

S PEAKING at the annual dinner of the Road Haulage Association North Western (western) area at Liverpool last Friday, Mr. G....

Tougher Dock Measur PLA

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A NEW move to ease congestion at the London docks is to be tried out by the Port of London...

Beeching Under Fire by Traci nion Congress

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE latest report by Dr. Beeching on the development of the major trunk routes on the...

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URGED BY R H A MAN S HIFI' working in the docks to match shift working in industry is urged by Mr. E. R. Taylor (Eric R. Taylor...

Page 38

Hire-purchase Claim Won By UD T

L AST week, in the Queen's Bench 1 —IDivision, United Dominions Trust -(Commercial), Eastcheap, London E C, was awarded £483...

Transport Policies in the Common Market

"I:1000ES for Transport in the 1 Common Market" is the title of a book by Nigel S. Despicht, a principal in the International...

First Scottish Bonallack Body

A N Albion Victor recently delivered . 1-1 to John McNiel and Sons (Contractors) Ltd., Glasgow, is fitted with the first...

Dutch Use Most T1R

ATEST statistics issued by the IRU show that the three Dutch road haulage associations (NOB, KNVTO and EVO) were issued by IRU...

Belgium to Adopt Dutch Licensing System

IN July of this year it is likely that the 1 Belgian Parliament will pass a statute which will introduce early in 1966 a...

IRU Council to Meet in May

THE next meeting of IRU's council of 1. direction will take place in Geneva on May 12. A meeting.of the presidential executive...

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'Primitive Cargo Handling at British Ports' Charge

S TR 0 N G criticism of the primitive cargo handling methods at British ports was made by Sir Arthur Kirby (chairman, British...

Unprecedented Sorting at Docks

S OR TING of cargo at the quayside is 7 one of the major causes of congestion at the docks; the Chamber of Shipping of the...

Traffic Surveys Paying Off

T HE vast amount of research into London traffic problems is slowly bearing fruit, - though the increase in traffic tends to...

Atkinson Annual Awards

THE name of the late Mr. B. Francis Caunt, managing director of Atkinson Vehicles Ltd. until his death last December, will be...

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European Standards for Refrigerated Transport

FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT IMPORTANT moves towards the adop1 tion of European standards for refrigerated transport were made...

Low Rates Contributed to Bankruptcy

:A A FORMER haulage contractor said at Nottingham Bankruptcy Court last week that the causes of his £4,849 deficiency were...

NOT POSITIVE ENOUGH T HE second edition of "Road Haulage Management

", by George W. Briggs, has recently been published by Butterworth and Co. (Publishers) Ltd., price 35s., postage Is. 6d....

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C EirS AGAill The Ford Motor Company are always looking for new and more efficient methods of production. The problem of...

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A DDRESS1NG members of the 1 - 1 Southampton area of the London and Home Counties division of the Traders Road Transport...

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Mr. 3. E. Maund and Mr. G. A. E. Godsave

have been appointed to the board of directors of Simms Motor Units (International) Ltd. Mr. Maund joined Simms Motor Units Ltd....

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Grant for Four—and Wider Condition

A MANCHESTER haulage concern was granted four additional artics and an amalgamation of three A licences for 44 other vehicles,...

Traffic Commissioners Criticize North Riding County Council

T HE Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners have criticized the North Riding County Council for its ambivalent attitude to a heavy...

Eastern Area Suspension

T HE Eastern deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. Gazdar, suspended two vehicles for one month at Colchester last week. The...

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Deputy L A Condemns 'Wrongful interference'

%WRONGFUL interference by "licensW ing advisers" in the lodging and preparation of applications was strongly condemned by the...

Hatter Bros. Seek Five on A

S UGGESTIONS of rate cutting were made during the resumption of an application by Hatter Brothers Bulk (Transport) Ltd. of...

Grant For All-in 'Illuminations' Tours

CHARLES W. BANF1ELD LTD., Peckham coach operator, was successful in a bid to operate six weekend all-in coach tours from South...

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This Week's Bids in Six Areas

NORTHERN APPLICATIONS (March 3, 1965) I. Jenkinson, Frizington, new A tic.. 1 eels. (3t 6c). Mats. and plant for site...

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Doncaster stays with Roe J ) ESPITE the report that Doncaster Corporation

transport committee had authorized the department's general manager to investigate other sources of supply foy bus bodywork,...

Committee of Inquiry to Probe Company Busmen's Problems

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A COMMITTEE of inquiry is to probe the pay and conditions of Britain's 100,000 company...

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Private Enterprise Operation of Ulster Bus Services

D OAD passenger operations in Northern Ireland are being examined by the Ulster Transport Authority, at the request of the...

Fuel Tax Relief for Buses

nETAILS of the scheme under which bus operators can claim relief from the extra 6d, per gallon fuel duty imposed in the autumn...

Second Phase of Subsidized Rural Bus Services 'Disappointing'

THE second three-monthly phase of Britain's first subsidized rural bus services in the Louth market town area of Lincolnshire...


PA A SPECIAL bus lane, 200 yards long, which forms part of .a proposed oneway traffic scheme in Tottenham, North London, may...

Plaxton Highway Buses for North East A LTHOUGH renowned mainly for its

production of luxury coach bodies. Plaxtotis (Scarborough) Ltd. also specializes in other types of body, not least of all...


National Coach Rally: Entry forms arc now available for the 1965 National Coach Rally, to be held on April 3 and 4, the venue...

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Two New Dinosaurs

T HE Dinosaur Model 22000T will be superseded by two new models of Dempster Dinosaur bulk materials handling and...


THE Hoffman Manufacturing Co. Ltd. has reorganized its U.K. sales force and created three regional sales areas—Southern,...

Palletized Transport Developments

E LECTRON1CALLY CONTROLLED LA warehouse trucks capable of followin g a route marked out by strips painted on the g round are...

Twenty-first Anniversary of IRTE nN May 18 the Institute of

Road Transport En g ineers will mark the 21st anniversary of the inaugural meeting of the Institute with a luncheon at the...


EXPORTS of Bedford commercial 1—, vehicles earned a record £344m. last year, with sales risin g by 14 per cent above the 1963...

Guide to New Signs

'TO assist in the reco g nition and under" standin g of the new road si g ns which are to replace 14.m. existin g si g ns over...

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For Forth Breakdowns

NEWS IN BRIEF B M C Commercials to be Built in Spain : The Spanish Government has approved a manufacturing project in Spain...

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The G.V.9—Road Springs WHETHER a road spring should be VI' periodically cleaned and lubricated, or left to operate bone dry,...

Northants Rea der Wins Prize

O UR prizewinner this week is Mr. T. A. Davies, of Corby, Northants. He says that often he has difficulty when dismantling the...

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and Publications 0 new SIF cutting and welding blowpipe sets arc to be introduced by Suffolk Iron Foundry (1920) Ltd. at the...

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By The Hawk Vive Le Kangourou "You could not send a dog out on a day like this, but a kangaroo would not mind, as kangaroos...

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Fresh Air Action

AUTOMATIC cleansing, a very desirable feature for bulk refuse containers, is provided by an air-jet device recently introduced...

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Promise Fulfilled

ROAD TEST: Austin FJ 5-tonner By A J P Wilding W ITH the major emphasis at last year's Commercial Motor Show on new...

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V OLUNTARY co-operation so far has perhaps been more honoured in the speech than the observance. It has provided rhetorical...

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F. K. MOSES VISITS . . O NE of the claims made by Salopia Saloon Coaches Ltd., the well-known Shropshire independent coach...

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Buying Municipal Vehicles with Guaranteed Maintenance

BY A. G. DAVIES FAPH I, M Inst T, PC A different concept of public purchase AST year Chicago ' s public administration...

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Cars for Staff

By S. Buckley L AST week in this series the likelihood of a substantial increase in business travel was commented on. _ The...

FROM THE POSTBAG • A service engineer writes stating that

his company operates a number of small vans in connection with the servicing of domestic appliances. Much of the drivers.' time...

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MONEY MATTERS— Diversified Ross Group

U NTIL comparatively recently it would have been inappropriate to comment upon ROSS GROUP in a motor transport context. But not...

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Future changes in the electricity industry

THE demand for electricity has far exceeded all estimates in the last • decade. In 1950, output capacity of generating plant...

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On Brakes and Braking WITH the publication of the Draft Code of Commercial Vehicle Braking Requirements and the publicity...

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:•NEW ::

COMPANIES Roydon Motors Ltd. Cap. £100, Objects: To carry on the business of' transport and haulage contractors, etc. Subs.:...