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Hire-purchase Claim Won By Ud T
L AST week, in the Queen's Bench 1 —IDivision, United Dominions Trust -(Commercial), Eastcheap, London E C, was awarded £483 8s. 6d. on a claim relating to a hire-purchase......
Transport Policies In The Common Market
"I:1000ES for Transport in the 1 Common Market" is the title of a book by Nigel S. Despicht, a principal in the International Transport Division of . the Ministry of Transport.......
First Scottish Bonallack Body
A N Albion Victor recently delivered . 1-1 to John McNiel and Sons (Contractors) Ltd., Glasgow, is fitted with the first Bonallack body to be built in Scotland. Sold by......
Dutch Use Most T1r
ATEST statistics issued by the IRU show that the three Dutch road haulage associations (NOB, KNVTO and EVO) were issued by IRU in 1964 with a total of 47,300 carnets, the......
Belgium To Adopt Dutch Licensing System
IN July of this year it is likely that the 1 Belgian Parliament will pass a statute which will introduce early in 1966 a roadhaulage licensing system closely modelled on the one......
Iru Council To Meet In May
THE next meeting of IRU's council of 1. direction will take place in Geneva on May 12. A meeting.of the presidential executive will take place on May 10, and the following day......