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...and double bottoms will be allowed
HAULAGE will get a big boost when draft regulations now being circulated for comment are approved by Parliament.
• Drawbar trailers will be allowed to operate up to 40mph instead of the present 30mph limit.
• Double bottoms will be allowed.
• Dollies will be legal. by CM reporter The DoE first circulated proposals for altering the speed limits two years ago. But when these comments were received the DoE realised that further amendments were required. The new proposals reflect the views of the various bodies and trade associations consulted.
On composite trailers, the DoE considers that a drawbar trailer made up of a •semitrailer with a dolly should be treated as one trailer for speed limit regulations and it intends to amend the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1973 for this purpose.
On double bottoms, the DoE has pointed out that powers now exist for authorising the operation of this type of vehicle combination. Till more data is available about their operating characteristics and handling abilities, it is considered that their speed limits should not exceed 40mph on ordinary roads and 50mph on motorways.
Lower speeds still will be imposed initially, however, in any regulations issued to allow their use.
The Freight Transport Association has welcomed the proposal to increase the speed of drawbar trailers on ordinary roads to 40mph which it has campaigned for.
The Road Haulage Association's initial reaction, however, is one of disappointment that restricted speeds for double bottoms are proposed. The Association feels that such vehicles should be allowed to operate at speeds comparat with other commercial ye/ cies in the interest of smoo traffic.
It also points out that douE bottoms would have a re tricted use for road haula, operators without an increa in maximum gross vehic weight to 38 tons and in increase in maximum leng to 21 metres. On trailers wi dollies, the RHA has said th it is pleased that this conte tious factor has been elimina ed.