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Grants For Hens
DID you know that New York dressed poultry is a big favourite on the British domestic market but not acceptable in Europe. You didn't? Dear, oh dear! Well, anyway, apparently......
Our Medal Man
IT'S not too often we tell you about the extra curriculum activities of our writers. Even less do we boast of their not inconsiderable success rate, but this week we make an......
Get Richard's Train Set On The Rails
NOW what was it that Sir Richard Marsh was saying in his plea for a biased — oh, I beg pardon, better treatment for the railways? Oh, yes! He wants a more restrictive licensing......
Jungle Book
I HAD a nice little note from a reader in Botswana this week (See letters, page 27). The newspaper cutting to which he refers comes from the Daily .News. To paraphrase it would......