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Free Metropolitan Bus Services Call
METROPOLITAr)k Counties should be responsible for the route licensing of the vehicles they own, says the Transport and General Workers Union_ But the transport workers do not......
Off To Athens
The first four 12m left-handdrive coaches for National Travel (South East) have just been delivered by Willowbrook. They are fitted with 47 reclining seats, tinted windows and......
Sell Nbc Plea Fails
PURCHASERS could be found for the National Bus Company, for its 95 subsidiaries, for the 20,000 buses and the premises throughout the country, claimed Mr Ian Gow (Tory,......
One More For Severn
A SURVEY of rural transp needs by South Yorkshire P has given independent opera T. Severn and Son Ltd a n service. The survey reveal that the rural area to the no of Doncaster......