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Braking The La\4 Could Be Costly
After the manufacturer has designed a vehicle so that its braking system complies with legislation, the operator must keep it that way. Spending time and a mere 321/2p on the......
Q Recently One Of My Drivers Was Stopped In A Layby.
He was approached by a man who turned out to be a police officer in plain clothes. He asked the driver to produce his licence. Has an off-duty police officer this power? A A......
42 Recently I Quoted For A Coach Tour With A
courier. The top required the courier to comment along the route on places of interest. I lost the job on price and I had accepted this until I learned that the successful......
Q 1 Am Asked Occasionally To Carry Small Packages Of...
goods, mainly to docks or railway stations. To do this I have to take out special insurance cover. This takes time and can cause delay in shipment loss of the job or, worse, a......
Q Unless There Is An Upturn In My Business In The
next few months I will need to dismiss some of my drivers. If l could think of another way out ! would take it, but redundancy seems inevitable. What am I required to pay them......
Q / Am To Be Prosecuted After Police Stopped My Vehicle
which they say was making excessive noise. A hole was discovered in the exhaust where the pipe joined the silencer. Though my driver had not reported the defect, and therefore I......
Q Is There A Regulation Governing The Use Of Side Lights...
obligatory to use both side an headlamps during the day while poor visibility conditions prevail. This would include heavy rain, haze or smoke.......