Where to Buy It
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BRITISH manufacturers offer a range of trailers and semi-trailers varying from the smallest two-wheeler up tc the largest multi-wheeled machinery carrier with hydraulic suspension. The products of 31 of them arc briefly reviewed on this and the next page.
ALPERSON: Two-wheeled industrial trailers for ground-level loading or tipping.— Alperson Products, Ltd., Fordham Road, Newmarket.
BODEN: Single-axle straight-framed semitrailers for payloads from 10 to 14 tons; tandem-axle semi-trailers for payloads up to 16 tons.—Botten Trailers, Ltd., Higgiashaw Works, Royton, Oldham, Lancs.
BOYS: Production of trailers discontinued at present because of increased demand for third-axle conversions. Will be resumed when more factory space becomes available.—Henry Boys and Sons, Ltd., Pleck, Walsall, Staffs.
BRAMBER: Two-, fourand six-wheeled trailers with independent rubber suspension for payloads up to 10. tons.—Bramber Engineering Co., Ltd., Springbok Works, Waterloo Road, Crickiewood, N.W.2.
BROCKHOUSE: Q u ie k 1 y detachable straightand stepped-frame semi-trailers for payloads from 6 to II tons; two-wheeled trailers with steel or wooden bodies for payloads of 7 and 10 cwt.; two-wheeled rowloading trailers; two-wheeled special-purpose trailers; automatic couplings,—J. Brockhouse
v14 and Co., Lid., Victoria Works, West ' Bromwich, Staffs.
B.T.C.: Straight-framed semi-trailers for payloads from 6 to 16 tons with single-, tandemand Four-in-line axle layouts; single-axle and Four-in-line low-loading semi-trailers for payloads from 8 to 30 tons; stepped-frame semi-trailers for payloads from 5 to 15 tons; trailers for payloads from 3 to 211 tons; vanand tank-bodied trailers and semitrailers; semi-trailer, coaches with 50400 seats having leaf-spring or air suspension; special-purpose trailers and semi-trailers; fifth-wheel couplings.—British Trailer Co., Ltd., Richmond Road, Trafford Park, Manchester, 17.
CARRIMORE: Permanently coupled and quickly detachable semi-trailers for payloads from 6 to 60 tons with straight, cranked or low-loading frames and leaf-spring or air suspension; van-bodied traders and semitrailers; straight-framed and low-loading trailers for payloads from 2 to 60 tons; car-transporter trailers and semi-trailers; excavator carriers with detachable rear axles; special models for palleted loads; tanker trailers and semi-trailers of all capacities; radar vans, machinery carriers and other specialized models; retractor turntables and fifth-wheel couplings.--Carrimore Six Wheelers, Ltd., North FInchley, London. N,12.
CRANKS: Four-wheeled trailers for payloads from 5 to 8 tons; single-axle semitrailers with straight or cranked frames for payloads of 10 to 12 tons; semi-trailers with side-by-side axles for payloads of 12 tons; eight-wheeled semi-trailers with independent suspension by air or leaf springs for payloads of 16 tons; cranked-framed trailers with detachable rear axles for payloads from 45. to 65 tons; low-loading trailers and semitrailers for payloads from 15 to 70 tons; pole-type and tanker trailers and semitrailers; low-loading trailers with hydraulic suspension for loads up to 200 tons; fifthwheel couplings.---Cranes (Dereham), Ltd., Dereham, Norfolk.
D.B.: Four-wheeled trailers for payloads up to 6 tons; four-wheeled close-coupled lowloading trailers for contractors' plant or cable drums up to 4 tons; twoor fourwheeled tanker trailers up to 1,000-gal. capacity; two-wheeled cross-country truck and toolcart trailers for payloads up to 2 tons; semi-trailer conversion for LandRover.---B. Dixon-Bate, Ltd., Chester, DYSON: Singleand tandem-axle semitrailers with conventional or air suspension for payloads from 6 to 17 tons; semitrailers with side-by-side axles for payloads from 12 to 15 tons; four-wheeled trailers with conventional or air suspension for payloads from 2 to 10 tons; van-bodied trailers and semi-trailers; tipping trailers and semitrailers; tanker trailers and semi-trailers for capacities up to 5,000 gal.; road-rail fourand six-wheeled tanker trailers and semitrailers; multi-wheeled and special-purpose trailers and semi-trailers for loads up to 200 tons; fifth wheel couplings.—R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., Grafton Street, Liverpool, B.
EAGLE: Singleand tandem-axle semitrailers with leaf-spring or air suspension for payloads of up to 16 tons ; low-loading semi-trailers with detachable rear wheels; twoand four-wheeled trailers with capacities up to 100 tons; van-bodied trailers and semi-trailers; tipping and dumper semitrailers; canopy trailers; oilfield trailers: tanker trailers and semi-trailers of all capacities and many specialized models.-Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd., Eagle Works, Warwick.
EEZION: Ground-level-loading twoand
vhceled trailers with retractable wheels iyloads from 15 cwt. to 7 tons: singlehung-platform trailers for payloads of 7 tons; eight-wheeled low-loading s for payloads from 10 to 15 tons.— Engineering Co., Ltd., Aropthill Kempston Hardwick, Bedford.
Single-axle semi-trailers suitable for ads of 8, 10 and 12 tons; semi-trailers side-by-side axles for payloads from 15 tons; tandem-axle semi-trailers conventional or rubber suspension for ads of 17 tons; 2,000-gal. and 3,600rameless-tanker semi-trailers and other to special order.—Fox Traders, Ltd., end Avenue, Speke, Liverpool.
VER, WEBB AND LIVERS1DGE: and four-wheeled trailers for payup to 10 tons; models with :ndent suspension for transporting oilequipment and other specialized ations.—Glover, Webb and Liversidge, 561 Old Kent Road, London, S.E.1. DS: Single-axle semi-trailers with leaf; or air suspension and straight or id frames for payloads up to 12 tons ; n-axle semi-trailers with leaf-spring or
r suspension for payloads up to 16 low-loading semi-trailers with detachrear axles; fourand multi-wheeled s; van-bodied trailers_ and semi s; tanker and pole-type trailers and milers, and other models for specialPurposes ; automatic couplings.—Hands tworth), Ltd., New Icknield Way, worth, Herts.
UNG-BAGNALL: Industrial trailers ayloads from 5 cwt. to 20 tons.— ag-Bagnall, Ltd., Kingsclere Road, pi-toke, finals.
IDE: Trailers for payloads from t. to 4 tons with refuse-collection or II-purpose bodywork ; low-loading 4-, , and 12-wheeled trailers for payloads 10 tons; low-loading plant-carrying s with two or four wheels for parup to 4 tons.—The Low Loading
r Co., Dean Street, Bedford.
RIWORTH: Singleand tandem-axle railers with straight or stepped frames yloads from 3 to 15 tons; low-loading railers with detachable rear axles.— worth (Engineering), Ltd., London Stone, Dartford, Kent.
CIWHEELERS: Four-wheeled trailers ayloads from 2 to 20 tons; singletemi-trailers for payloads from 6 to is; tandem-axle semi-trailers for payfrom 12 to 15 tons with straight or d frames; low-loading semi-trailers detachable axles for payloads from 8 :0 tons; cable-drum, machineryig and other specialized trailers and railers.—Multiwheelers (Commercial les), Ltd., Roxeth Green Avenue, South w, Middx.
Twoand four-wheeled industrial s for payloads up to 20 tons.—Charles Barton Stacey), Ltd., Barton Stacey,
: Single-axle and close-coupled n-axle horsebox trailers capable of n up to three horses.—Rice Trailers, Cosby, near Leicester.
)N: Design consultants specializing tiers and semi-trailers.—Rippon Bros., end Avenue, Speke, Liverpool, 19. ;RTSHAW: Two-wheeled crossy Camel trailer combining a truck with an underfloor tank.—M. F. tshaw, Ltd., Bletchley, Backs.
ALONG: Twoand four-wheelcd and semi-trailer caravans for mobile schemes, mobile display units, mobile and similar purposes.—Rollalong, Ringwood, Hants.
IMELL: Single-axle semi-trailers for .ds from 3 to 11 tons; tandem-axle milers with leaf-spring or rubber susn for payloads up to 25 tons; tanker -ailers; heavy-duty low-loading semi t; special-purpose semi-trailers; auto couplings.— 111 Lorries, Ltd., ; Lane, Watford.
TORN: Two-wheeled all-steel 15and . general-purpose trailers: 250and I. twoand four-wheeled tanker
trailers.—Scottorn, Ltd., Kingston Road, New Malden, Surrey.
TASKERS: Four-wheeled trailers for payloads from 3 to 10 tons; single-axle semitrailers with straight, stepped and dropped frames for payloads up to 10 tons; low-loading machinery carrying trailers and semitrailers with detachable rear wheels; tandem-axle semi-trailers for payloads up
to 25 tons; semi-trailers with side-by-side axles and air suspension for payloads of 15 tons: tanker, pantechnicon, pole and " Queen Mary" trailers and semi-trailers; rear-steering I2-ton semi-trailer: automatic and fifth-wheel couplings.—Taskers of Andover (1932), Ltd., Waterloo Iron Works, Andover.
WARRINGTON WHEEL: Straightand stepped-framed trailers and semi-trailers with leaf-spring or rubber suspension for payloads up to 25 tons.—The Warrington Wheel Co., Ltd., Hawleys Lane, Warrington.
WHEATLEY : Two-wheeled dumper and tipping farm trailers with all-metal or wooden bodywork for payloads up to 4 tons; two-wheeled low-loading trailers for the carriage of implements; four-wheeled trailers for payloads up to 7 tons.—F. W. Wheatley (Trailers), Ltd., Wheatley Avenue, Peterborough, Hants. , WHITLOCK : Twoand four-wheeled trailers with refuse-collection or generalpurpose bodies.—Whitlock Bros., Ltd., Great Yeldham, Essex.
YORK: Singleand tandem-axle semitrailers with straight frames for payloads from 10-17 tons; tandem-axle models with leaf-spring or air suspension; tipping semitrailers with capacities up Co 32 cu. yd.: low-loading semi-trailers with detachable rear axles for payloads from 40 to 14 tons; semi-trailers with stake and rack bodywork ; tanker semi-trailers; fifth-wheel couplings.— York Trailer Co., Ltd., St. Mark's Road. ('orby, Northants.