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Trailer Working Cures Many ills, but the Dose Must Not be Exceeded T HE development of articulated vehicles is one of the...
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C RITICISM by Sir Sydney Littlewood, vice-president %..../of the Law Society, of the Government's failure to place tribunal...
Carrying the Torch Farther A NEW principle has been adopted in the Linde Plamsa Torch for arc welding. In this the arc column...
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The query, "What makes some bus services pay and thers lose?" That many operators would like to know the answer. That body...
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A PLAN for reducing road taxation without hitting the Exchequer too 1-1 hard has been submitted to the Chancellor by Lord...
T HE real object of the Socialist Party in proposing the renationalization of road haulage and in attacking C licensees is to...
cants, Ltd., will be asked at a meeting on March 31 to approve the company's purchase of the capital of Maxima Lubricants,...
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R EPRESENTATIVES of the British Transport Commission were accused of "a gross breach of faith at a Stockton public inquiry...
CURTHER evidence was given on Monday in an application by McKelvie and Co., Ltd., Barrhead, Scotland, who are seeking an A...
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W EARING a mauve-coloured turban, bearded Mr. Dalys Singh appeared before the East Midland Traffic Commissioners, last week, to...
P RELIMINARY and exploratory discussions are taking place between the Rover Co., Ltd., and the Standard Motor Co., Ltd., to...
id ERE can be only one golden rule rfo r railway management; treat the job as if it were your personal business and keep...
MR. ERIC DAVIES FOSTEX, a journalist, has been made a director of the British School of Motoring, Ltd. MR. R. E. HANCOCK,...
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' PLEA for a better bus service by Bury Corporation was made at ochdale, last week, by Unsworth and istrict Owners' and...
damages totalling £1,066 Is. 6d. were awarded against Sheffield Corporation to Joan Ann Beach, a former conductress, at...
rA A SPECIAL sub-committee investigating the affairs of Southport Transport Department has been depleted by the resignation of...
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WORKERS' concessionary fares will be YV abolished on municipal buses at Great Yarmouth if the Eastern Traffic Commissioners...
D EASONS put forward by Lord Glentoran, Northern Ireland's Minister of Commerce, for keeping road transport nationalized were...
at Kilmarnock last week—for letting a man use a lorry with inefficient brakes. The haulier, Cohn Irving, Catrine, was also...
TWIN sisters Frances and Winifred k Taylor explained to the Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. Alex Robertson, last week,...
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AEMBERS of the North Western al livestock functional group of the Road Haulage Association are gravely concerned about rate...
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No Smoking Ban: Edinburgh Transport Committee have decided not to impose a ban on smokin g in city buses. 1.P.C. Sprin g...
T HE 50-word normal user sou g ht by J. Swain and Sons, Middletown. Welshpool, when they applied for a group of special-A...
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PROPOSAL by Manchester Transport Committee to replace trolleys on two routes by oil-en g ined buses approved last week by the...
"TWO Scottish car distributors said at I Fife, last week, that when they had vehicles delivered by British Railways there were...
A LTHOUGH the express services 1-1 applied for by Buckmaster Gara g es, Ltd., Lei g hton Buzzard, from Aylesbury to Glas g ow,...
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T HE strike of 32 maintenance electricians at the works or Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., at Adderley Park, Birmin g ham, was...
Socialists, Says Mr. Watkinson THE Government and the Road I Haula g e Association must work to g ether in the battle a g...
IN its first full year of operation, the Ceylon Transport Board 'incurred a loss of £396,825. There was a loss every ' month...
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DESCRIPTION of the "very great danger" caused by a bus stop used lury Corporation vehicles was given he North Western Traffic...
T HE driver of a mobile crane which was in collision with a Sheffield Corporation bus should have been accompanied by a mate at...
A SUGGESTION that art A-licence 11 haulier should not be allowed to have a pantechnicon because he had always carried furniture...
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yes 11.6 m.p.g. By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. B ECAUSE of the lower stresses set up by air suspension, much chassis and body...
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B RITISH manufacturers offer a range of trailers and semi-trailers varying from the smallest two-wheeler up tc the largest...
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How to Derive the Greates from Drawbar Trailers a trailers: Merits of Three Pop' Pitfalls for the Uninit I N setting out the...
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7 ..CIALLY designed for use by ilitary units and other organizations iting in the field, the Eadington Mark dit mobile laundry...
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T RAFFIC characteristics peculiar to the operator, rather than costs alone, may well be the major factor in determining the...
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By F. G. Clark, A.M.Inst.T. Famous Engineers Find Trailers and Semi-trailers Valuable for Short Hauls T HE introduction of a...
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W ITH a capacity of 1,000 Cu. ft. each, two new 15-16-ton bulk grain transporter semi-trailers have been supplied by Carrimore...
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ird's Eye View THY should it take two months to obtain authority to V exchange a vehicle under a contract-A licence? A...
k LOW - BED 60-ton trailer 57 ft. long I has been supplied by Cranes lereham). Ltd., Dercham. Norfolk, to reaves, Cotton and...
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K " NOCK knees and a squint might seem dis advantageous in a barmaid," said Maggie's brother Cromwell, but Charmian here turns...
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REE new Mercedes-Benz goods iassis, which with production options up a total of 63 versions, have been duced by Daimler-Benz...
A PRE-WAR scheme to build a road rt diversion between Bebside and Sleekburn, Northumberland, is to be taken up again. The...
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F ULLY effective suspension systems for trailers and semi-trailers are difficult to design because of the high carrying...
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PA A NEW S-cam brake for trailers and prime movers has been introduced to the home market by Rubery Owen, Ltd., Darlaston,...
-1 - 1 A TRAILER coupling, with shockabsorbing characteristics and a fifthwheel mounting incorporating an air cushion to...
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By Steve Sini pson How Ingenious New Zealand Operators Beat State Restriction on Vehicles Weighing Over 21 Tons Gross...
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T HE articulated outfit lends itself particularly well to scheduled services between dispersed factories contributing towards...
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A NEW 1200,000 bus station at St. riMark Street, Lincoln, operated by the Lincolnshire Road Car Co., Ltd., was formally opened...
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-AIMED to be completely non-irritant, C fibre has been evolved by Fibreglass, .td., Ravenhead, St. Helens, Lancs. Being easily...
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A TWO-SPEED gear shown in patent No. 808,543 is intended for heavy vehicles. The gearing is built into the differential gear,...