Variety on Wheels
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By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E., Assoc. Inst. T.
HUNDREDS of companies at the Public Works and Municipal Services Exhibition will be showing products of interest in the municipal transport and engineering fields. The Exhibition, to be held at London's Olympia, will cover some 450,000 sq. ft. and will be open all next week, November 16-21, from 10 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. daily. Among features of special interest in the local authority field will be improved and modified outfits for public cleansing.
A device that will enable a moving vehicle to carry out the tedious task of cleaning roadside crash barriers will be seen on the Mercedes-Benz stand (No. 67). This consists of a p.t.-o.driven rotary mop, fed with water from a rear-mounted tank, and it will be carried on the versatile Mercedes-Benz Unimog all-purpose tractor. The cleaning unit is a product of Schrnidts (Switzerland). One of the larger 72-h.p., 6-cylinder Model 406 Unimogs, with a specification including powered steering and air-pressure equipment, will be seen equipped with a Hoegen Dijkhof automatic verge-cutter with loader-conveyor. A similar Unimog, intended for use by the Central Electricity Generating Board for line maintenance, has front and rear pi-o. points, crawler gear, and special hydraulic winch equipment developed by the Boughton organization.
Practical advantages of 12-cu.yd. and 6-cu. yd. Dumpster refuse containers specially designed for multi-storey flats will be emphasized in the exhibit by the Powell Duffryn Engineering Co. Ltd. The Dempster Dumpster bulk container handling unit, with a payload capacity of nearlyfive tons, will also be exhibited. The 12-cu. yd. container is designed to receive bulk refuse from hoppers or chute, the top lid U acting as loading guides to prevent spillage. Intended for multi-storey buildings without chutes, the 6-cu. yd. container employs a dust-sealed loading hopper which will not drop refuse into the container until the loading opening has been closed.
An interesting new development is the introduction of poweroperated twin steering for the Yorkshire-Karrier suction sweeper, a product of the Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co. (Stand No. 143). This vehicle incorporates a fully floating suction nozzle in close proximity to which are hydraulicallydriven scarifying brushes. The suction fan is driven by a Perkins 4-236 oil engine and the 4-cu. yd. container has a fulllength pusher-plate so that the load can be dressed or discharged with the minimum of difficulty. This manufacturer will also exhibit a 1,200-gal. Austin-Yorkshire combined gully and cesspool emptier, a 1,000-gal. KarrierYork shire gully and cesspool emptier and a 1,000-gal. Karrier-Yorkshire gully emptier.
From the Eagle Engineering Co. Ltd. will come an improved version of the 800-gal. Eagle gully and cesspool emptier, niounted on a Bedford 5-ton chassis. Special features include a new design of hose-box and a five-way valve for easy change from pressure to vacuum. Optional extras incorporated are overhead exhaust extension, -sludge water draw-off valve, sewer flushing valve, pressure street washing equipment with sprinklers, and a hydraulically operated gully arm with change-over
valve and operating levers on the gully pipe, thus enabling the operator to cleanse the gully without moving his hands from the pipe. The Eagle Crushload collector, which works on the principle of partial pre-compression of refuse before the load is further packed in the body of the vehicle, will also be seen.
Showing for the first time at this exhibition, Bech. Neale and Co. Ltd will feature three examples of Norba refuse vehicles. One is a manual-loader for ordinary collections, the second a dustless loader for municipal bin schemes, and the third a dual-purpose outfit for both 14--cu. yd. containers and manual work. In the Norba system the refuse is tightly packed by a compressor screw action in the hopper which gives a final density of 5-9 cwt. per cu. yd. of refuse. An important aspect is that the Norba action results in paper sacks being disintegrated immediately on loading.
The Commer Air-Van mobile compressor unit, recently described in The Commercial Motor, will be demonstrated by the Davenport Vernon Co. Ltd. Iii this case the Commer 2-ton Walk-Thnr design is modified by the installation of a Broomwade WR 100 two-tool compressor beneath the floor, this still leaving sufficient room for a crew of up to five plus a payload capacity of as much as 20 cwt. In local authority circles the Air-Van has already found acceptance for employment as a mobile workshop.
Two new Dumptruks introduced by A.E.C. Ltd. during the summer will be available for inspection on Stand No. D2I in the Main, Hall, where the manufacturers will be operating in conjunction with Scottish Land Developments, the sole U.K. concessionnaires for this unit. The newer of the two machines is the 690 Dumptruk, specifically developed to meet the call for a powerful dumper which can legally be driven on the highway so that disposal away from the working area is facilitated. Using an 11-3-litre oil engine, this model has a heaped capacity of 124cu. yd. The body can be elevated to 700 by the twin dual-action rams in a matter of 13 sec. Its companion will be the 1100 Durnptruk, with 17.75-litre engine, which is one of the largest units of its kind built in this country. The heaped capacity of the body is 194 cu. yd. and the triple-extension power return rams give a 700 tip in 12 sec.
Pride of place on Stand No. K13 (Fodens Ltd.) will be taken by the 35-ton gross rear dumper with Foden turbocharged, twostroke power unit developing 225 b.h.p. at 2.200 r.p.m. The supporting exhibit will have the Foden Mk. 6 two-stroke, which develops 175 b.h.p. at 2,200 r.p.m., and will be equipped with a c40 Stothert and Pitt 8/9-cu. yd. mixer, five-speed super-low gearbox and the Foden tilt cab. On Stand H19 Peter Hamilton Equipment Ltd. will exhibit a 14-cu. yd capacity dumper produced by Atkinson Vehicles Ltd. for which company the Hamilton organization has an extensive international franchise. The A.E.C., Foden and Atkinson dumpers will use Edbro tipping " gear. Edbro steel bodies will be fitted to the A.E.C. and the Atkinson.
Stand No. G4, occupied by Lewin Road Sweepers Ltd., will house that company's well known sprinkler-sweeper-collectoran outfit particularly useful for employment in narrow or congested thoroughfares, as the compact design is accompanied by a tight turning circle. There is a main transverse rotary brush and a vertical channel brush giving a total sweeping width of 5 ft. The two brushes are raised or lowered independently by means of electro-hydraulic push-button control.
The widely used Bedford-Lacre suction road-sweeper will take prominence among the exhibits of Lacre Ltd. Models G and GG have recently been provided with a second power unit, one engine driving the vehicle and the other operating the sweeping equipment. The second, which is mounted separately on the chassis, uses duty-free fuel carried in a system separate from that of the main engine. The 2.5-litre supplementary unit is a 3-cylinder water-cooled industrial diesel.
For dealing with wide expanses of highway or pavement a large extension brush is optionally available on the Model G (or GG) and this gives a sweep of 6 ft. 2 in. width. Johnston Bros. (Engineers) Ltd. will have available for inspection the Mk. 11H suction roadsweeper which gives a high degree of manoeuvrability, being mounted on the Austin FHK chassis with a 120-in. wheelbase. A wandering hose with a reach of lift. is mounted on a turntable behind the cab and is supported by a spring-loaded' beam. The brush nozzles, suction nozzle and extension hose are all lined with Linatex, a natural-cured form of rubber with abrasion-resistant qualities. The Littervac power sweeper will be among the offerings of Columbus Dixon Ltd.
The Unimog is to be seen in yet another form among the exhibits by Rolba Ltd. on Stand F2/02 in the National Hall. This time it comprises the base for a heavy-duty snowblower and, in addition to the 35-h.p. vehicle engine, has a 125-145 b.h.p. air-cooled oil engine for driving the plough mechanism. The exhibition machine has been sold to a U.K. airport for runway clearance and for this purpose the normal clearing width of 6 ft. 7 in. has been increased to 9 ft. 10 in. Several other Rolba snow-clearing outfits will be shown, also a pedestrian-operated road marker for"the painting of white lines, For the sweeping of hard shoulders on motorways and similar tasks, the Rolha Peitl trailer-sweeper-collector will be shown. This unit has a sweeping width of approximately 7 ft., an average speed of 2-4+ m.p.h. and a capacity of up to 6 tons heavy sweeping an hour. Using two circular brushes and one rotary brush, in conjunction with an elevator belt, the outfit loads the sweepings into the towing lorry, so enabling clearance to be performed continuously without any break for the collector to be emptied.
Atkinson's of Clitheroe Ltd. are to display modern means of combating snow and ice.
Snow Clearance Units Among snow clearance units which will appear at the exhibition is the Sicard Model B-B Snowblower, previously sold through Mercury Snow Control Ltd. However, the Mercury group of companies was acquired by Dennis Bros. Ltd. earlier in the year, so this unit will join the latter company's other products on stands G9 and H9. Refuse collection vehicles here will include the Dennis Paxit Major IIIA with automatic continuous loading equipment and bulk container hoist gear. As the hinged rear canopy can be raised quickly this model can be employed in a dual role. In its standard form the Major 111A 50-cu. yd. continuous loading design will demonstrate the low rave rail at the rear which permits easy discharge into the hopper. Absence of fallback in action means that bins can be emptied without need for trimming the load. The I,000-gal. Dennis gully and cesspool emptier will be fitted with high-pressure, street-washing equipment having four washing heads at the front of the vehicle. These heads are independently adjustable and shut-off controls enable only two to be used if desired.
Ramifies 35-cu. yd. and 50-cu. yd. refuse collector bodies will figure amongst the display by Karrier Motors Ltd. Light alloy construction is stated to be featured in the Musketeer, a new refuse collection machine in preparation by Glover, Webb and Liversidge Ltd. This design is intended to facilitate speedy loading of refuse under urban conditions. A range of both singleand double-acting hydraulic ram assemblies will be displayed by Edbro Ltd., a newcomer to the exhibition, on Stand No. N5 in the main gallery. Power take-offs for vehicles such as gully ernptiers and refuse collectors will be displayed and there will be. a cycting ram of the design used in continuous refuse collectors, which will be in operating condition.
Tipping trailers in various designs, also machinery transporting trailers and a speCial model for carrying 28-in, vibrating rollers, will constitute the offering of the Salop Trailer Co. Ltd.
Lorry-mounted Hydrocon mobile cranes are a speciality of the Lambert Engineering Co. (Glasgow) Ltd. and three will take their place on Stand No. .C14. Heaviest is the 15-ton Hebridean, which has a 100-ft. jib and can be operated from either the vehicle cab or a separate cabin on the back of the machine. The 10-ton Hamilton can take a 100-ft. jib plus a 16-ft. 'fly jib, a special feature being the roller bearing outriggers. The 6-ton Highlander has a new jib length of 74 ft. and incorporates a jib section lifting gantry.
Fast travel, speed of erection, and good capacity are features of the Jones KL 3-7 Fleetmaster crane which will be among the items offered by George Cohen Machinery Ltd. This machine is based on the Bedford chassis and can be fitted with cantilevered jibs up to 30 ft., or strut jibs up to 66 ft. The strut designed has a 30-ft. folded jib with four 11-ft. 6-in, intermediate sections carried on the superstructure. Operation is from the one cab, the move from the driving to the crane operating position merely being a matter of changing seats. The Fleetmaster KL3-7 can be fully jacked within two minutes.
The Thompson-Stetter concrete truck-rnixer, the only vehicle of its kind to he seen at the Commercial Motor Show, will reappear on the Stand of Thompson Bros. (Bilston) Ltd. (K19/ K21). The design is of German origin and is manufactured under licence by the Thompson organization, both push-button hydraulic and mechanical-drive versions being available. The 6/7-cu. yd. mixing drum, for ready-mix or dry-mix, is fabricated from mild steel and has Corten steel flights; speed can be varied from 4 to 16 revolutions a minute. The clean lined exterior of the mixer offers advantages for maintenance and cleansing. The chassis is a Guy Invincible. From Millars Machinery Co. Ltd. (Stand No. C18-22) will come a new 6-cu. yd. Transcrete truck-mixer, which has .a 40-in, drum opening and takes a charge at approximately 30 sec. per yd. Discharge occupies 15 sec. per yd. for 14-24 in. and 31 in. slump concrete and 60 sec. per yd. for 11. in. dry concrete. The HydroPoise hydraulic drive is designed to give high power transmission efficiency •and optional drum speeds, coupled with low fuel consumption.
In the Rapier 6-cu. yd. truck-mixer, sh.own by NCK Rapier c42 Ltd. (Stand B/C24(6), hydraulic power for revolving the drum is provided by two pumps, one being driven from the front of the engine and the other from the p.t.-o. A single pump is sufficient for agitating mixed concrete but both are used for loading and discharging, the speed being precisely controlled by the engine throttle.
A new Truckmixer agitator of 8/9-cu. yd. capacity will come from Riternixer Ltd. The hydraulic transmission consists of an axial piston pump of the variable displacement type which is driven from a p.t.-o, either at the front of the engine, the gearbox, the flywheel or the camshaft. The drive to the mixer drum is through a reduction gearbox and heavy •roller chain. A single lever at the rear Of the machine controls the speed of the drum and when travelling a valve keeps it revolving at a low rate regardless of road speed. On Stands C3-5 Stothert and Pitt Ltd. will include an 8/9-ton truck-mixeragitator.
The new Ruston lightweight oil engine will be on display for the first time on Stand D16 in the Grand Hall. This is a 6-h.p., air-cooled, single-cylinder, running at 3,000 r,p,m. It will be accompanied by further examples of the Ruston range designed for a variety of uses. On the stand of Cummins Diesel International Ltd. will be seen some of the newest of this manufacturer's over-square V-form power units, including the 6-cylinder 140 h.p. Val and the 8-cylinder 185 h.p. Vale. These engines are to be produced next year at the new £51 tn. Chrysler-Cummins plant at Darlington. The NH-250 and NHE-180 engines, both currently produced in Scotland, will also be exhibited at the Show. Five oil engines, including the latest version of the "L" range, are to be displayed on the Dorman stand (No. D39). British Deutz Ltd. will have nine specimens of the Deutz air-cooled engine range on their stand, among them being the A6L/514 which, apart from being in demand for contractors' plant, has also been adopted for use in buses. R. A. Lister and Co. Ltd. (Stand No. C28) will feature air-cooled oil engines and trucks with trailers.
The Lucas 100 Hydrostatic transmission is being shown this year for the first time at a Public Works _Exhibition (Stand No. 02). This is an infinitely variable transmission intended for public works vehicles, earthrnovers, vehicle ancillary equipment drives, and such like applications. The accompanying display will illustrate the Lucas B90 unit exchange service and will provide examples of Lucas batteries.
The wide variety of products to be seen at this Exhibition will include numerous other items of road transport interest. Rubery Owen and Co. Ltd., for instance, will display the Salopian cantilever bus shelter which is a development from the tubular-framed unit already used by numerous local authorities. A pleasing appearance is achieved by the allpressed steel construction and provision is made for passengers queueing two abreast. The shelter can be supplied as a 10-ft. unit or in any multiples of that size.
W, C. Youngman Ltd. will display the Master range of space heaters which are of particular value for maintaining heat in large buildings during periods of intense cold, and also for warming up road vehicles so that they will start easily at the beginning of the day's work. Moulded and woven-asbestos ' friction materials for a wide variety of applications will be seen on Stand No. 238 where the products of Small and Parkes Ltd. will be housed. Aeroquip and Hyline high-pressure hydraulic hose assemblies, also a wide selection of friction materials, will be displayed by Hubert H. P. Trist and Co. Ltd. (Stand No. A4). Brake and clutch facings will form the basis of the Ferodo display.
Emphasis in the Leyland exhibit will be on the new UE.400 high durability diesel and the 0E.160 Dower pack, Three vehicles are to he shown, the smallest having an Eagle 3-cu. yd, kitting refuse collection body: the chassis is the Leyland 15, which has a wheelbase of 7 ft. 6 in. and a turning circle of only 29 ft. A 6-cu. yd. concrete agitator by Stothert and Pitt Ltd. will be seen on a Retriever six-wheel chassis, and a Scammell Scarab-Four tractor. will be shown in company with Seammell 9-cu. yd. refuse collection semi-trailer. Oil engine turbochargers are to form a star exhibit on stand 01 (C.A.V. Fuel injection equipment batteries, alternators, starters and associated products will also be seen.
Power units of various classes will be available for inspection on the stand of Perkins Engines Ltd_