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0 much mud is flying around road transport these days that it is stimulating to have presented a plan which is bold,...
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F INAL details are now being worked out in Belfast for the formation of a big new company which, it is understood, will take...
THE old-established companies of I Burrows Transport Ltd., A & A Road Haulage Ltd., Signal Hauliers Ltd., Burrows Packing Ltd....
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A FIER all the hot air at union and Labour Party conferences about the need for an...
There is a vacancy on the editorial staff of The Commercial Motor for a man with a thorough grounding in road goods transport,...
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THERE has been a good initial I response by vehicle and trailer manufacturers to three different letters sent out last week by...
AOST vehicle conversions involve IVI enlargement to something bigger than the original but this Bedford conversion by United...
House Association on Transport and the Traders' Traffic Conference (see November 6 issue) was effected at special meetings last...
the Road Haulage Association held its first national meeting last week and elected Mr. R. H. Barnett (Barnett Transporter Co.,...
A TOTAL of 58 vehicles to carry fish from Aberdeen, as a replacement for railway distribution services, is specified in two...
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nNE of the Road Haulage Associa tion's problems was that there were not enough Members of Parliament with any detailed...
THE Traders Road Transport Associa tion would soon be able to put considerable weight behind a plea for a really major stepping...
THE five-day week issue at London's I fruit and vegetable markets which, it was thought, had been settled by the report of the...
E MPHASIZING the need for qualified engineers to be employed in road transport, IL , Mr. A. S. Bryant, fleet engineer of the...
A WIDE range of subjects was discussed at the conference of the National Association of Warehouse Keepers held in Harrogate...
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TUTS COACHES LTD., Herndon, Northants, are operating for an experimental period of three months the first fully subsidized...
A NY European city that scrapped its tramcars was foolish. This was stated by Mr. H. L. Jacobsen, a Dutch 'traffic expert,...
VAY ? By F. K. Moses A N excellent opportunity for the city of Leicester to lead the (Buchanan) way and come to grips with the...
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E VEN at great expense only a limited increase in accessibility could be created in large cities, said Mr. Alan Proudlove,...
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From our Industrial Correspondent T EADERS of London's busmen decided last week to seek a meeting with the Minister of...
CONSERVATIVE M.P.s in the House ' 4 .-0 of Commons were visibly shaken when, in his Budget statement on Wednesday, Chancellor...
'THE Minister of Transport, Mr. Tom Fraser, is to continue the roadside smoke checks introduced by Mr. Ernest IVIarples. In a...
I ORD •CHESHAM, former junior . 1 --1 transport minister in the Conservative Government, asked for a pledge in the Lords On...
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THE Transport Tribunal in London on 1 Tuesday was told by Mr. J. A. Backhouse that at the present time there was no throu g h...
I N London on Friday, the Transport I Tribunal reached a decision on an appeal by Mr. E. W. I. Harrington, of Kin g sbury, a g...
A N appeal a g ainst a plan to operate modern refri g erated lorries on return j ourneys to the Continent was dismissed by the...
A. T. Booth (Manchester ) Ltd. of South Bank, Yorkshire. concerning their bid to uplift the wei g ht of two tractors and...
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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE haulier with fl 13 vehicles was told by the East Midlands Licensing Authority, Mr. C. R. Hodgson, that it was...
"I DOUBT very much whether any of my colleagues would come to the same conclusion" was how the South Eastern deputy Licensing...
S USPENDING nine vehicles operated by Hutchison Brothers of Dysart (Fife), at Kirkcaldy last week, the Scottish deputy...
S EVERE restrictions were imposed on a road haulier by the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority at Leeds last week. Savile Road...
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T HE cab on the latest range of normal-control tractive units introduced by Mack Trucks Inc. of America is unusual in that it...
an exploratory, .exercise English Electric Leo computers are now working out new routes, for the 2.000 I uel delivery tankers...
.Ltd. has appointed Walter W. Saunders Ltd., of Two Waters Road, Hemel Hempstead, as York distributors for that part of...
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distribution of population and industry and for plans to co-ordinate these with long-distance transport requirements was made...
T HE conclusion that may be drawn from The Institution of Mechanical Engineers' Symposium on the thermal loading of diesel...
Keith and Boyle (Transport) Ltd. Previously he was fleet engineer with Blox Services Ltd., having joined them from Burn Transit...
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A sound, reliable and friendly financial service is a primary requirement for traders in cars and commercial vehicles. And...
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and Publications Portable Oil-fired Space Heaters A RANGE of Master portable, oil-fired space heaters for use on sites or...
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Correct Use of Anti-freeze A LTHOUGH an undoubted boon to rl both operator and engineer, antifreeze can also produce a lot of...
nUR prizewinner this week is a Hastings reader, Mr. D. G. Luck. He tells me that the company he works for operates a number of...
Have you an idea that is worth passing on to other readers? It must relate to maintenance practice. If a panel, on which...
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By R. D. CATER V ANS in all shapes and sizes have been produced over the years by Vauxhall Motors Ltd., and the Bedford-Hawson...
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TO ensure the rigidity of the concrete base walls supporting the 45 ft. tower of a new radio telescope being built at...
A HIAB 2-toncapacity model 172 Speed-loader with fcu.-yd. clamshell attachment is fitted on this Thames Trader 71tonner now in...
THIS Commer. 7-tonner (left) with 1 bodywork designed to carry empty drums of standard size on pallets has recently been...
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nES1GNED for grocery and confectionery sales in housing estates, this 30-ft. mobile market (right) has been built by S. H....
A N addition to the range of mahogany and light alloy bodies made by Tiverton Coachbuilders Ltd. is this cattle container...
1-1 A REGULAR on the Viking ferries operated by Thorensen Car Ferries of Southampton is this A.E.C. tractive unit and B.T.C....
F OX TRAILERS LTD., of Speke, Liverpool, have produced a conversion for application to any tractive unit fitted with M.H. or...
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C OUPLED to an Atkinson tractive unit, this York Envoy 10-metre semi-trailer of Continental Ferry Trailers, Barking, was...
Suggestedifor M11 A S a basis for discussion with the local authorities affected, Mr. Tom Fraser, Minister of Transport, is...
A SERIES of comprehensive economic studies in towns, especially to evaluate the worth of roads in urban areas, was called for...
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A Jumbo's Worth News of electronic ticket cancelling machines for one-man buses suggests a highly sophisticated state of...
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O NE of the more cruel games which adults cart play with a child is to pretend that he is not there and to carry on a normal...
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By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E., Assoc. Inst. T. H UNDREDS of companies at the Public Works and Municipal Services Exhibition...
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and the principles of costing I N this series last week comment was made on coaching trends and the special significance of...
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&KC. Pays a Shilling G ROUP pre-tax profits of the BRITISH MOTOR CORPORATION for the year ending July 25 last amounted to...
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Attic Shortcomings MTH Mr. Hope and Mr. Gosselin (The Commercial " Motor, November 6) have my sincere sympathies in their...