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Requests Published in Ten Areas this Week
APPLICATIONS (May 8, 1965) Taylors Transport (Buckle) Ltd., A var.. add I veil, (70.
Charles Alexander and Partners (Transport) Lid., Elgin, new B lie., 2 veh. (40. Collection and delivery within 15 miles of goods carried or to be carried on licensees' A-licensed fleet and also sub:contractors' veh.
David S. Alesaarler, Tarves, new B lie., 1 veh. (Si). Agric. goods and requisites within counties of Aberdeen, Banff and Kincardine, with extension to Perth. Glasgow and Edinburgh, for fertilizers and poultry feed: 75 per cent for Jas. Gill and Sons. Aberdeen, 25 per cent for other users.
APPLICATIONS (May 11, 1965) W. Dobson (Edinr.) Ltd.., Edinburgh, A add 11 art (1211) in place of 4 T. (330.
Eric C. Beek, Summerhal, new 1) lie.. I T. (440. Lime, slag and fertilizer for Harrisons Lime Works Ltd.. SAL Ltd., I. and 1. Currie Ltd.. within 150 miles. and sand for J. and I. Currie, withm 30 miles. (If granted, Contract A tic, will be surrendered.) Albion Piaui Hire Co. LW.. Paisley, new B lie., 1 T. OW, Contractors' plant, stores. spoil and earth removal. within 200 miles ex-Paisley.
Robust P. BailBe. Newmatns, new B lie_ 2 T. (1150. Road. building, excavated mats., coal, scrap metal and plant, all within 50 miles.
Road Services (Caledonian) LW., Dumfries, B var„ add I veh. (61). Milk as directed by the Scottish Milk Marketing Board.
APPLICATIONS (May 5, 1965)
Rutherford Bros. CoMinental Fish Lid., North
Shields, new A lie., 3 veh. (340 0 , 1 art_ (13. Fresh fish, fresh meat, frozen foods and goods for Commercial Plastics Ltd., Northern traffic area by vela ferry to Continent via Rotterdam and Antwerp; return loads of frozen fish for Rutherford Bros. Ltd(If granted, A lic. with different normal user will be surrendered.) Cawthorn and Sinclair LW., Minty, A var.. add
2 veh. (1210, 32 art. (22511). (If granted, Contract A lie, will be surrendered.)
R. H. Dangerfteld Hauliers Ltd.,. Bishop Auckland, A var., add 1 veil. (550.
W. H. Clark, Miltom, A var., add l art. (750. (If granted. Contract A licence will be surrendered.) A. N. Charlton, Gateshead, B var., add 4 T. (150. Excavated and demolition mats., from sites in the Northern traffic area where licensee is working. (ft granted, veh, will be deleted from C lie.) 432
APPLICATIONS (May 7. 1965) Bennett Bros. (Barna) Lid.. laarup, new A lie.,
12 art. (M). 4 rd. (M). Mainly textiles, felts. lines. rubber goods, leather, nailer, shoes, slippers and goods for the Dude and Miller group of cornpanics and the Bacup Felt Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Lancs. Yorks, Midlands. Lincs. Glos. London and surrounding counties. Central Scotland and North East Coast, (If granted, A tics, will be surrendered.)
F. Swain and Sons Lid., Macclesfield, new A tic.. 14 veh. (5110, 1 art. (550. Cement, paper and Pager products, cardboard. rubber goods, asbestos goods, roofing felts, milk in churns. aerie. produce and requisite's. machinery, foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals. Midlands, London, South Wales, Eastern Counties. Southern England. Lancs. Yorks, Cites and North East Coast. (If granted, A and B lies, will be surrendered.)
E. R. Chappell. Rhuddtan, newA lie.. I art. (70. Road and building mats.. cattle foods, fertilizers, coal, chemicals, clay and g.g., Ruabort, Wrexham, Chester, Birkenhead, Liverpool, Warrington, Manchester, Northwich. Whitchurch, Wem, Shrewsbury. Wolverhampton and as required.
Hodkinsons Haulage Ltd., Westhaughton. new A lie.. 4 veh. (1750, 10 art. (56t) Plus 1tTl. (210. G.g., Lanes, Yorks, Ches, Derbys, Scotland, North East. Bristol. London and the South, (If granted, A lie, will be surrendered.) W. A. Jay and Sons, Atherton, A var., add I veh. (710.
C. McCallum, Statybridge. A vat.. add 2 vela (90. Mainly glass fibre, plastics, copper cylinders, footwear, bedding and upholstery. Lancs. Yorks. Ches, Midlands. London and Southern Counties, North East Coast, G. L. Baker (Transport) Lid.. Warrington. A var., add 8 art. (5450. Goods for United Glass Ltd., Ravenhead Glass Ltd., as required. (If granted. Contract A lic, will be surrendered.)
Menage Quarries Ltd., Anglesey, new B lie., I T. (410 and I tn. (1.10. Machinery, within 25 miles.
Bolton Export Parking Sersices Lid.. Bolton. new B tic., 1 an, (1610. Continental IIR trailers from the applicant's company and subsidiary companies in England and Europe; fiats and containers tor shipment by direct roll-ort/roll-off service, together with the towing of trailers loaned or hired from T1R operators front the port of entry to the
destination, or from the works of origin to the port of shipment, between all UK ports offering roll-on/roll-off services when not used for Continental traffic, used for the carriage of mats. and equipment In connection with the applicant's business of export packers.
G. E. Robinson, Bolton, new B tic., 2 T. (9t). Building mats, and road mats., within 50 miles; solid fuel within 50 miles for Peter Andrew Ltd.
C. F. Brialow. Denton, new B lie., 1 T. (410. Building mats, and road mats, for 5. Handford and Son, within 100 miles. (If granted, Contract A lie.' will he surrendered.) I. Thomason, Castelton, Lanes, new B lie., 2 T. (90. Building mats, and road meta., within 150 miles.
E. TiMINIIIS and Sons Ltd., Runcorn, new B lie..
1 art. (70. Contractors' plant and engineering equipment. within 250 miles.
Derek B. Orme (Transport) Ltd., Stockport, new
lie., 1 veh. (410. G.g., within 5 miles; building Plant and building mats., within 15 miles; quarry products. within 60 miles; corn compounds, grain and brewers' flakes for R. arid W. Paul Ltd., within 50 miles; cloth for B. Wardle and Co., Chinley, and' B. Wardle (Everflex) Ltd., between ChinleY and Caernarvon:, building mats, and building plant on behalf of British Rail (enag. dept.) between Derby and places within 15 miles: goods as required for and on behalf of Derek B. Game Ltd. (agricultural merchants), within 104)
G. Pox, ftreabury, Ches. B var., add 1 T. (41t).
A. Thorpe. Bury. B. var., add 1 T. Cita Building and roadmaking mats., within 50 miles; raw mats, and waste, within 100 miles.
D. and F. Transport, Handforth, Cites, B var.. add 2 T. (75t). Clay, soil, hardcore, within 50 miles on behalf of Excavation Haulage, North Western Milk 'Carriers Led., Knutsford. 11 var.. add 1 vets. (5}0.
R. L. Martindale Ltd., Liverpool, B var., add
2 veh. (611). Solid fuel, within 25 milea, for local coal traders; building plant and buildings mats.. within 25 miles, for customers of coal business of licence hoiden, with occasional Journeys of up to' 50 miles for Robert Jones and Sons Ltd.; goods for members of the RNA, within 15 miles.
Southport Saud Co. Ltd., Netherton, B var.. add 1 veh. (80.
Wilkinsons Traaspart Group Ltd., Rochdale. B var., add 3 veh. (120. Collection and delivery of goods which have been or are to be conveyed on the applicant's trunk services within 40 miles.
T. Combo.), Stockport, B var., add 1 T. (410. Slurry from non-rail-connected stocking grounds in East Midlands to power stations in Lanes and Ches on behalf of William Pepper and Co. Ltd, FL and L K. Davies Bros. Ltd., Stockport, B var„ add 2 veh. (610, 3 M. (150. (Whs., authorized in Contract A lie.)
A. Rowlands null Soo (Freston Brook) Ltd, Warrinaton, B var., add I vela (510. Milk in bulk es-farms as directed by the Milk Marketing Board and dairies.
APPLICATIONS (May 5. 1965) Hanson Haulage (Leeds) Ltd., Pudsey. new B 5 vela (1740. These vehicles to be used only when any authorized vehicle of the licensees' and their subsidiary company, Isaac Croft and Sorts Lid., is off the road for maintenance or rePair.
Candles of Sheffield Ltd., Sheffield, new A lie., 6 veh. (2340. Mainly glassivare, provisions, iron and steel, within 75 miles, New furniture, ordinary Furniture removals and exhibition equipment. England. Scotland and Wales. (If granted. Er lie.
will be surrendered.) .
II:nelson and Page Ltd., Bradford, A var., add 2 veh. (740. (If granted, A die, held in North Western area will be surrendered.) G. Douglas Ltd., Elland, A var., add 1 art. (70.
M. M. Roberts. Elland, A var., add 1 art. (80. Arehholds (Storage) Ltd., GederiOme, Leeds, var., add 6 veh. Ceti, plus 6 Van cont. (90. Wm. Bridges and Sons (Freston) Ltd., Castleford.
new B lie., 3 veh. (13+t). Clinker ash and -building blocks for Berry's Breeze and Concrete Co. Ltd., Castleford. and C. A. E. C. Howard Ltd., Doncaster. within 100 miles.
St. Dunstan's Fishing Co. Ltd., Hull, new B veh, (lift) olus cattle container (140. Fresh and frozen fish. within 90 miles.
M. J. Brown. Moor Monkton, new B lied 3 vele (1541). Flour, animal .feedingstuffs and grain as required for the associated companies of Thomas Sugden and Sons Ltd., Brighouse. Sand and gravelfor Nnsterfield Gravels Ltd., within 50 miles. (If granted. Contract A lie, will be surrendered.)
H. Pike. Moshorouch Moor, Sheffield. new B lic„ 8 veh (42+0. Goods for Pickford. Holland and Co. Ltd., and J. and J. Dyson Ltd., as required. (If eranted, Contract A lic, will be surrendered.) N. Boot, Sheffield, new B lie., 1 veh. (340. Road and building mats., slag and civil eneinetring equipment on behalf of Econofreight lransport ltd. for the Tarmac Group.
lames Gore and Sons Ltd.. Craig Flaps. Hinetey, B var.. add 2 veld (6+0. Collection and delivery of goods in connection with licensee's long-distance services and delivery of other goods, within i5 miles.
Altinet (Leeds) Ltd.. IS var., add I vele (Th).
L. A. Pyrah (Haulage) Ltd., Leeds. B var.. add I seb. (50. Sludge, within 25 miles. Also I veh. (ell). Rubbish and waste mate,within 25 miles.
M. and J. Construcilions Ltd., Osseo, B var., add 2 veh. fete 11. Warrington (Haulage) Ltd., Pudsey. B var..
add 1 veh. (50. .
A. and S.'Congreaves, Sheffield, B var.. add 1 art. (610. Timber and allied mats. for Win. Llewellyn and Co. (Scotland) Ltd.. within 2110 miles. floods for G. A. Sinfield Ltd_ Manchester, as required: EAST MIDLAND
APPLICATIONS (Stay 5, 1965),
Cowley Carriers 14d.„ COWIMI, Oxford. A var., add 2 veh. (6t 11c). Furniture and gird mainly within 175 miles. (If granted, B lie, win he surrendered.) Grants Transport Services Lid.. Irthlinghorough. Nortita.ets,.-A var., add 2 hiring allowances (8E0. Ode. Mainly Parcels and Smalls, Northants. Leics, Oxon, Bucks, Berlin, Surrey. Suseex, Hants. Wills arid Dorset; loads, any distance as required fly
moiler customers. • • • • • Brawled's Haulage Ltd., Stony Stratford. Becks. A sale. add 3 tel. (12)0. Paper, machinery, and flour within 250 miles; g.g., 160 miles and machinery to Scotland with return loads of e.g. 11. E. Allen, Towcester, Northants, A var.. add 1 veh. (410. Mainly building and road-making mats, and steel, Midland Counties and London. S. E. Freeman Ltd., Banbury. Oxon, new B lie..
2 veh, (6t 9c). Builders' mats., machinery and Plant within 75 miles.
V. J. Woodward and Son, Brirworth, Northants, new B lic., 1 vele (31 Sc). Goods for Smith and Ce. (Bedford) Ltd., within 40 miles. (If granted. Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) R. Tindall, Mickleoyer, Derbys. new B lie„
1 vele (61 6c). Coaled and dry stones as directed hy W. H. Phillips Ltd.; Wirksworth. (If granted, Contract A lie, will he surrendered.)
R. E. Hulett, Narborough, Leics. new B lie..
2 veh, Olt Bee Tinnable granite products for Ensdish Clay Ltd. (Croft) Leics. within 150 miles. P. Finn, Nottingham. new B lie., 2 vele (litBuilding mats. cement and pipes for James Finn.
eithie 30 miles. .
A. R. ham, Moore nr. Bakewell. It var.: add t veh. 14(t). Building and road-making mats., within 75 miles.
H. Archer, Derby. Wear.. add I sett. (et). Coated and dry stone for constructional purposes. as required as directed. by W. H. Phillips Ltd. (A sir tie, granted pending a decision).
J. [Brickley and 80O, lbstock, Leics. B var.. add 2 art. (1.50. Building mats_ and scrap metals as required.
R. W. Gent, Shemthed, !eke B var., add 1 art. (711). Goods for Austin Crompton Parkinson Electric Vehicles Ltd.
J. W. Potts (Coal Merchants) Ltd., Spondon, Derbys, B var., add 4 vehs. (let). Bagged solid fuel as directed by Wm. H. Short (Coal Distributors/ Ltd., Newthorpe,
Gas Services (Filling and Distribution) Ltd.. Weedon. Northants. B var.. add 3 vele (90. Full and emMY gas cylinders.
APPLICATIONS telay 6, 1965) Transport Holding Co. (BTC) British Road Seolees Ltd.., Hereford. A var„ add 4 art. (2411). G.g., GB. (If granted, vehs. will be deleted from lie. at Swansea and Cardiff basee) Brevitt Ltd., Willenhall. A var., add 16 yell. (680. fyres, machinery, hardware, mainly smalls and Parcels. London districts. Midlands and Lancs.
J. Kirk, Coventry. new B lie.. 1 Yell. (3(1). Pre-packed fuels. surf and other pre-packed products for Morton's (Coal) Ltd., within 150 miles.
E. G. Cilium, eominster. new B lie.. 2 veil. (910. Goods for J. I.. Hinton and Sons Ltd., as and where required: goods for Woodcemair, all wind!) 15(1 miles.
E.. W. Farley. Worcester. new 11 lie., I veh. (40. Potatoes for Gay's Potatoes Ltd., WOrnbourne. within 240 miles.
Sitphenson. Clarke Ltd.. Birmingham. II var.. add 4 veld 1240. Industrial waste. within 25 miles.
A. Alleopre laudley, R var.. add 1 T. (40. Roaddetaking mats., within 100 miles; goods for Nu-way Benson Ltd.. within 100 miles.
A. L. S. Harman Ltd., iehfield. B var.. add 4 art. (280. Goods for Marley Tile Co. lid.. Bnrion-on-Trenr, as required.
Parton Bros., Wellington. B var., add 2 1'. (elt) Road-making and building mats as produced ex-quarry or pit for members of the Sour h Stareardsdire Gravel Association and for the Salop Sand and Gravel Co did.. and Donning and Son Ltd.. within 1043 miles of Cannock.
APPLICATIONS May la. 19651 J. M. Sneddon. Westoning. new A lie.. 1 art.
(60 G.g., mainly building mats. .• Rind aerie. machinery and produce, within 100 miles. Brown and Wright (Haulage) I.td.. TilneY Sr. Lawrence. Norfolk, new A lie., 4 veld. (15)0. Mainly agric. produce and requisites: Eastern Counties. I ondon, Midlands and South Coast. (If granted, Cdotract A lic, will he surrendered.) L. W. Ponlding. Bildeston. new A lie_ 1. att.
(70. Goeds, mainly furniture. to and front Ports. P. D. Ward., Maulden. A var., add I veh. (44r). G. W. Wyatt, Danbury. A car , ad 1 veh. (dr). Pitchers Transport Ltd.., Walpole St. Andrew. A
var.. add I veh. (40. Of granted, Contract A lie.
will he surrendered).
Mobile Clearance Ltd., Bentham,. A var.. add 2 veh. (1010.
W. Corder (Haulage) Ltd.. Mellott. Suffolk, A var.. add 1 art. (90. .
A. R. and R. Thum. Biagleswade. new B lie.. 2 T. (841). Sand. gravel, ballest, hardcore. hoggin, excavated mats., and demolished mats.: all within 25 Miles Norrhill: coal from Biggleswade Station [6r Henry Franklyn Ltd., and Ellis and Everard Ltd.. for delivery within 10 miles. Of granted, C lie. will Ise surrendered.)
E. Marsh. Basginebotim. Candle new B lie., 1 veil. (40. Goods for Dower Wood and Co. Ltd_ and Redlands (Holdiogs) ltd., within 100 miles. (If granted. Contract A lie, will be surrendered.)
at, J. and A. F,. Martitt. I irtleport, Isle of Ele. new B lie. 2 T. 000. Aerie. produce and requigitee for Alfred Ernest Mitrlio where required; sugar beet collected within 6 miles for delivery to railhead or factory; lime sludge or beet pulp on return: spoil and other mats. excavated be licensees' plant delivery within 5 miles of the excadation, Corn combined by the licensees delivered within 30 miles.
J. L. Edwards. Easton. Hunts. new B tic.. 5 T. (1910. Goods for Veirksworth Quarries 11d.. Inns and Co. Ltd.. Bradgate Granite Quarries 1.1+1., Thomas Roberts 1Wellinebrirough) Ltd.. Thomas Roberts (Gravel) Ltd.. The Whitwick Granite C.o. Ltd.. and 'tarmac Roadstone Ltd. (If granted. Contract A lies, wilt be surrendered.)
S. G. Rudd. Long Sutton, Lines, new B lic..
1 an. t7i1 (knockout low-ldr 1. Erack• la.000 mmaiincs. plant needing Specialized loaders to and from dies am] werkshops. within 25 miles S. I. Nicholson. Statham. Norfolk. new B tic..
2 T. CIO. Peas nit haulm and silage run return. within 311 miles for Birds Eye Foods Ltd. Ringray Ltd.. Bury St Ldmunds, new B lie..
4 veh. (131) for Superior litter-national Lid.
Lernh and Fisher (Contractors) Ltd.. 'Geldings tore If var.. add 1 sell. (4et). Bulk grain, within 120 miles.
R. and H. Lewis etransporl) Ltd.. Tarcet Fen,
Hunis, 11 var.. add (711). Goods for Herbert I arratt and Co. Ltd.. and D. T. Wesley within 150 in/let: goods for Rex Foods within 100 miles: Bricks for Whittlesey Central Brick Co. Ltd., within 70 miles. Bricks for Eastwood FrOY Ltd., Orion Works only. within 100 miles; goods for Beeson and Wiskar Ltd.
P. H. Mason Lid., Crowland, Lines. B var., add 1 1", OIL A. R. Well and Sons, Ditham, Norfolk, B Var., :add I T. 1910. Agric. Produce and requisites and millers' goods in hulk, mainly for pneumatic discharge; coal and coke for East Norfolk Fuel Co. Ltd., all within 250' miles, C., H, Hunt and Sons. Bradlield St, George, Stiefoik. B var., add I T (4)0, (with cone). Livestock within 40 miles; agric. goods and requisites within 50 mites: haulage for Eastern Woodlands Association.
APPLICATIONS (May .4. 1965) Brilish Road Services Ltd.. Swindon. A var., add 17 art. Ol Ir SM. Cased cars, car bodies, cabs. vans, components and onais, for the car industry. normally Mel/ands rind South Wales. (If granted, Contract A lie, will he surrendered.) A. 0. Fortes (Transport) Ltd.. Weston-superMare. A var., add 2 art. 11310. G.g., mainly foodstuffs. meat, nrefabricared units, bottled goods and goods into and ine Alf licence holders' own warehouse, nermally entre 175 miles.
T. W. and R. A. Ogden, Stroud, Glos. new
B lied 1 vett (Si 2c1 includes bulk tank (It bed Farm produce, fertilizers, foodstuffs and hulk grain. within 50 miles.
P. J. Keane. Swindon. new B lie., 3 T. let 2e). Road excavated and building musts,, on behalf of Bristol Tippers Ltd.. within 30 miles, Ilursion Plant Contractors Ltd.. Bristol, R var„ add 1 T. (31 11c). Road, e‘cavaled and building mats.. on behest nib Breed! Tippers ltd.. within 30 miles. (If grantee, veil, still be de'ered from C lic.) Cleansing Service (Southern Counties) Ltd., Exeter. B var., aid 1 vete (5t Sc). Refuse and trade wastes, %%Mild) 50 miles.
APPLICATIONS (May 6, 1965)
R. B. Bellow. 'Conk:ion. new B lie.. I veil. (3(0. Bricks, cement, tiles. timber: Melding mare.. for M. A. Ray and Sons Ltd.. within 50 mi:es.
.1. Si. and Si. V. Brooks, Hayes Intl. Middx. new B lie,. 2 T. 18+r). Road-making plane mats. and rubbish, within 20 miles of Hayes and Harlington Station,
W. C. Crisell, Edmonton, N.,/, new B tic.. I T. (4t). Factory rubbish. from 1.awrance and Lowings Ltd., 17.4; Servommic Idde N.9; Tern Consulates. N.17; and !ones and Stephany Ltd.. N.7. to Edmenton. Ronsugit Council -tip, Edmonton,Nil.
E., Green, Purneer, new B lie.. 4 vett (300.
▪ tilting maid.. within 75 miles.
J. Lyons and Co. Ltd.. Greenford, Middx, new
B lie.. 7. veh. (19t I le). Tins and bottles of instant entree in eartnns for Sol Cafe Intl.. within 80 miles of Charing Cross station. 50 miles of Hionineham (Nee Street) station and 60 miles of Manchester (Piccadilly) station. Also 4 yell. (1St -.7c). 1 art. (St 3c); 4 res. (200. Tins and bottles of instant coffee in cartons for Sol Cafe Ltd., within 2110 tMles of Charing Cross station.
Teharn Road Tank Services Ltd.,' High Wycombe. Bucks. new B lie., t rixt. (St 17c): 5 sell. (.45d. 2c). Bulk liquias. GB. (S)iort-term wintm hire during the months of September to April inclusive and otherwise for Esdo Petroleum Co. Ltd.. and Total Oil Products (GAL) Ltd.)
Keane Transport (Kilburn) Lid., London, NW6, B stir., add 3 T. (17t Ile).
SOUTH EASTERN APPLICATIONS (May 6, 1965) A. .1„lohnson and Mrs. R. Hears, Hove, new A tic.. t vele (210, G.e.. South Coast area, mainly
within 100 miles. • Colin Ashby Ltd.. Broughton Monchetsea. A var.. add 1 T. 030, Mainly hulk grain and fertilizers. London. the Home Counties. East Anglia, the Midlands and Avonmouth.
W. Earl and Sons Ltd.. Southampton. A var., add 4 T. (Idt). Mainly building and nubile works mats., excavated mats., mainly within 2.5 miles, R. Pemhle Ltd.. Kingsnorill, new ft Ii., 1 veh. eh). Refined oil for Alexander Cole as required.
D. Walker, Lydd, nee B tic., 1 r. (Si). Building and roast.making mats.. for Amalgamated Roadstone Corporation Ltd., and concrete products for Pilcher and Tanner Ltd.. within 711 miles.
' S.F. Haulage Ltd., l'eaCehaVen. new B lid.. 1 art. (70 !low Med Agree., earth-moving and building machinery and plant. within 55 miles, Wilford Bros.. Warsash. new B lie.. S vch. (8+0. Fruit, scrap metal and concrete blocks, within 75 Miles,
A. BUS. Stanford Dineley. new B lie., 3 T. 0210. Road-making mats.. within 50 miles.
Charles Prior and Son. Braywiek, B var.. add I T. (4.'01. Sand. building and public works mats, and rubbish. eithin 30 miles.
CONTRACTIONS: add., additional; auk., agricultural: art., articulated unit; e., cwt.; g.g., general goods: G.8., Great Britain; indivisible; lie., licence; low-Ida, low-loader; mats., materials ; normal user S.T., special type; a'tonst T., tipper; trl., trailer; var.,' variation ; wit, wheels,