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MOTOR Another Brownerism O N TUESDAY the House of Commons spent 6 hours and 27 minutes discussing prices, and every so often...
The next seven days. May 14-20. Fri. TRTA (Coventry)" Dinner at Wine Lodge, Borges, Coventry, 8 p.m, TRTA (South Wales)....
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NAORE vehicles prohibited from use, LVImore operators prosecuted and no improvement in standards of vehicle maintenance forms...
'THE livestock functional group L and national committee of the Road Haulage Association, at the request of the Ministry of...
MORMAND (MAYFAIR) LTD., a I 11 subsidiary of J. Lyons and Co. Ltd., has been appointed UK distributor for Mercedes-Benz (Great...
T HE national council of the Road Haulage Association in London on Wednesday agreed, with some reservation, to postpone the...
M EMBERS of the Road Haulage Association were told at their annual dinner in London on Wednesday that licences for drivers of...
BY A. J. P. WILDING F OLLOWING a difficult 406-mile run on the last leg of the trip (see last week's issue) the convoy of Ford...
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it4ENDIP tipper operators and quarrynu. masters in the area held a meeting in Frome last week to exchange views on the question...
By Norman H. Tfisley THE formation of tipper groups in 1 various parts of the country is gathering momentum. While the Mendip...
THE US Dempster Sideloder lorry'. mounted road/rail transfer equipment for tanks and containers is to be built in Britain by...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT 1VIOVEMENTS are afoot to replace the WI IRU form of consignment note required under the CMR...
NAEMBERS of the Grimsby sub-area IVI of the Road Haulage Association are pressing their national council not to defer an...
the Scottish Commercial Motormen's Union were "completely protected ", the union would not co-operate with British Road...
E XTENSIVE trials by Swedish hauliers have demonstrated the practical value of an international consignment note based on the...
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B RITISH ROAD SERVICES will be LP investigated by the Prices Board, This was made plain by Mr. George Brown, the Economics...
last week in the Commons if he would g ive a direction to the Transport Holdin g Company to co-operate with local authorities...
road haulage companies it owns or controls use some 500 depots from which services start or finish, or from which collection...
C ONGESTION was not being caused by the transfer of goods from river to road in London. Mr. Stephen Swingler told Mr. Tom...
his honorary adviser on road traffic. Sir Alex was appointed by the then Minister as his honorary adviser on London traffic...
N O decision has yet been made about differing tolls for vehicles using the new Severn Brid g e. This was made clear last week...
T HE AA report on vehicle li g htin g defects confirmed that too many drivers did not pay sufficient attention to their lights,...
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RIALS IN DETAIL By Derek Moses What passengers think of new bus types I AST week we made a passing - 1 –+ reference to...
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A NOTHER (and more urgent) call for special traffic priorities for buses, and a stern warning that the twin duties imposed upon...
Front Our Industrial Correspondent L ONDON Transport has promised to 1.-• consider the busmen's claim for a "substantial" pay...
Future of Glasgow's Trolleybuses: A report on the future of trolleybus services in Glasgow has been prepared by the transport...
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ErFORE the Transport Tribunal on Tuesday, a Prestatyn parcels carrier, whose traffic from Liverpool had greatly increased,...
A N application by W. J. McMullin and Sons, of Plymouth, to extend the radius of a B-licensed van from 110 to 200 miles, was...
I N a lengthy, written reserved decision the Western Licensing Authority ; Mr. J. R. C. Samuel-Gibbon, has refused two...
A FIER agreeing to certain amendments concerning normal user, the South Eastern Licensing Authority, Maj.Gen. A. F. J. Elmslie....
B ECAUSE established household removals contractors at Hitchin could not guarantee to collect part loads at short notice, a...
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A N application by Mr. William J. Heath, of West Down, Bickington, Devon, for a Contract A licence to carry goods for E. and J....
who had advertised for odd transport jobs "anywhere, any time, with reasonable charges" was granted a limited B licence by the...
Requests Published in Ten Areas this Week SCOTLAND (NORTH) APPLICATIONS (May 8, 1965) Taylors Transport (Buckle) Ltd., A...
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THE criticism of Shell-Mex and RP Ltd. by the Metropolitan LA, Mr. D. I. R. Muir (" The Commercial Motor ", April 23), for...
A new nante appears as the author of this week's Casebook—that of John Darker, who joined the stall of " Tfie Commercial Motor"...
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( -OM PARING endurance development testing of heavy truck engines in the Volvo fully automated laboratory with the testing of...
1DRODUCTION of commercial vehicles in USA last year was 6.8 per cent greater than the previous record established in 1963,...
1 - 1 A NEW vehicle engine brake which, unlike conventional exhaust brakes, does not rely on pressurized exhaust manifolds,...
QEVENTY applications were received by Lancashire County Council transport committee. in response to a public advertisement,...
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I N his first report on the working of the Dartford-Purfleet Tunnel, covering the period November 18, 1963 (when the tunnel was...
Directory of Bodybuilders: In the directory of bodybuilders published on May 7, T. J. Richardson and Sons Ltd., of Oldbury,...
Use of Wire Ropes in Transport ECENTLY I mentioned the use of wire and safe slinging, and said that slings in regular use...
W INNER of our prize this week is Mr. H. Jagger. of Sheffield. He says that by fixing supports (see drawing) to the front wings...
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and Publications A NEW TYPE of flexible tubing is being produced by Uni-Tubes Ltd. for use in vehicle exhaust systems. Called...
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IT is appropriate that a Materials Handling Exhibition should be held in Glasgow 1 this year as Scotland is one of the most...
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How to Organize a Lorry Driver Competition By NORMAN H. TILSLEY qUNDAY'S northern Scottish eliminating round of the Lorry...
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BIRD'S EYE VIEW I notice that the Metropolitan " Applications and Decisions" has been g changed in layout and style "to...
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Iverseas Removals Ventilated BAOFR CONFERENCE LEAMINGTON SPA R EGISTRATION of containers, an international brains trust and...
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By ty with Economy A. J. P. WILDING AM I Mech E, MIRTE A LTHOUGH not following the main trends at last year's Earls Court...
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H AULIERS who may have already tried and failed to win from their customers a 5 per cent increase in their rates ought to...
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New Look at Trade Associations : Contract Costing A LTHOUGH "organization and method" is a term readily associated with...
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The editor Is always pleased to receive letters on all aspects Of the road transport industry. Contributors must Include their...
Dive% Soo and Flint Ltd. (ap. £100. Objects: To acquire the business of transport and general contractors, etc., eacried on by...