Damage studied
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E EFFECT of heavy lorries on ad maintenance is being Testigated by the National Asciation of Local Councils. A mrt on its findings will be nt to the House of Commons insport committee NALC has been worried about a size of lorries for some time icently it advised MPs that prent weight and size limits were o large. Damage was being Ine to the environment and the rries were dangerous to the Ifs and limb" of people living villages and small towns.
NALC chairman Dillwyn Miles lid: "The cost of road maintenIce is rising. A combination of )ending restrictions on repair ork and increasing use of all pes of roads has meant the earing down of surfaces, maklg many roads uncomfortable id others positively dangerous, articularly for two-wheeled "The heavier the vehicle, the lore likely is the damage that rill accrue, leading potentially tthal stretches of road," he dded.