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Are Fighting Back
ITISH manufacturers have rted to fight back against the ady flow,of foreign coaches to the market. Public unveilof Leyland's secret weapon till a month away, but one of main......
Detroit Is Aombed Out
ISH SEMI-STATE transport ■ mpany Coras lompair Eireann 1E) is to standardise on the tw Cummins 10-litre engine r its new fleet of Bombardier 15eS. The standard Detroit Diesel/......
The Labour-controlled Assoc Ciation Of Metropolitan...
At a meeting of representatives from the metropolitan counties, the AMA voted to elect a "steering group" to have an oversight of the campaign, and to employ a professional......
Maxwell's At Home Abroad
MAXWELL BROCKHOUSE Bus Transmissions of Loughborough says 24 double-deck buses fitted with Maxwell automatic gearboxes are now in regular service in Groat Britain. National Bus......
Lt C Uts
by 580 LONDON TRANSPORT'S bus fleet has been cut by 580 buses, following the service changes introduced on September 4. Among the buses now in store are 11 MCW Metrobuses and 13......