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;mmt Boosts Its :ustomers' Efforts
INCE AGAIN John Weinthal nd his team in the SMMT press nd public relations department ave done a great service to perators as well as to makers in , ublicising the Motor Show at......
One-upmanship At The Show
SALES-PROMOTION gimmicks are by no means limited to bus operators. Those adopted by Motor Show exhibitors are, it seems, becoming increasingly extravagant. One is offering a......
150 Playgrounds On Wheels
I HAVE commented before on . the varied uses to which retired buses are put but I was surprised that 150 are run by the National • Playbus Association all over the United......
Union Pays Busmen Not To Strike
IT IS DIFFICULT to square the nasty show of temper at the TUC conference with the decision of a 'Transport and General Workers' Union branch to pay four busmen £6 a week each to......
£1,150 For A 43-year-old
A HISTORY of Scammell rigid eight-wheelers, to which I referred in the September 25 issue, attributes the company's survival largely to the introduction of this revered model 45......
Where Imitation Is Not Flattering
SUCCESS can be a doubleedged sword; it invites imitators. Perkins is having this problem with spurious spare parts, many from the Far East. Such components may not fit but even......